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Glad I'm busy all weekend.

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I don't normally have issue when it comes to skids weekend, but I've been moody and pissy all week with working OT, class, and my internship, and SO ticked me off one day so I had to segregate myself from him so as to not blow a problem out of proportion (we did talk it over once I calmed down and he had given me space to do so).
Anyway BM text SO last night that his SD (hers from another relationship no biodad around) wanted to come stay this weekend too. Now this kid is 10 (same age as my bioson) She's been here 1 time for a couple hours Christmas day, not a word or peep from her till Easter and we said no she couldn't come as there was no basket and she hadn't wanted anything to do with SO.
So now she wants to come? SO text BM back asking "does she WANT to come or do you just not have anyone to watch her?" (he had asked me if it was okay if she came and I don't care but I'm uncomfortable about it) BM got her panties in a bunch over SO's "attitude and sarcasm implying she can't take care of HER kids all she did was ask a question and she WANTS to come! SO responded "all I did was ask a question. If she WANTS to come she's welcome to, if you just want a babysitter then ask if WE can babysit, don't play games, I helped raise her, I still care for her, but don't tell me it's for one reason if it's not and she needs to bring clothes as WE will not be supplying clothes for her."
I don't know what the response was, but I'm assuming she's coming. she was a pleasant girl for the few hours we had her. Talkative in a comfortable way in a house of near strangers to her, so she seems okay. However I have a feeling she's being sent here as a BM spy, AND because BM wants to get rid of her for the weekend. That means 5 kids, 2 adults in a 3 br small house. Kids said they are okay with it but my DD stated she doesn't even know this kid and 4 kids are a bit much for her to watch, SO said "There is nothing to watch your brother is going with your mom Saturday all day and my kids are MY responsibility." (thank you SO!)
I'm still glad I'm gone with my ds all day Saturday and doing a 12 hour intern shift Sunday. I told my dd she was welcome to spend the weekend with friends or bike riding, just clear her plans with SO so we know where she is and he can set times for her to be home.
So if 10yr old is being sent here as a spy there will be no real interaction with myself and my kids so what will there be to report. SO is a great dad, doesn't do the disney dad behavior and makes the kids behave. I only asked he inform his SD of house rules as soon as she arrives so she knows what we won't put up with.