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This all feels like a blur

justmakingthebest's picture

The last month has been emotionally draining to say the least. 

4 weeks ago- we fly to KS for nothing- contempt and custody to be heard on July 29th, judge wasn't in the mood to hear anything that day and it didn't matter that we flew there and took time off of work.

3- weeks ago DH meets with the GAL again. DH shows the GAL everything we have since the last time we spoke with him. Including all the social media info we have on BM (one of her friends is mad at her and sent us like 100 screenshots of amazing!) The GAL is disgusted with BM and confirmed that he would be writing a recommendation for a custody flip. I also flew out of KS again, this time with SS19, BS13 and BDstb12 for SIL's wedding. 

2 weeks ago I flew back out to KS again for DH's 20th HS reunion. BM also graduated from the same class, she didn't show- THANK GOD. Our flight home was canceled and then we got rerouted and delayed again. We were up for over 24 hrs straight and had an 11 hr layover in Denver. It was a nightmare!!

Last week we got word from our lawyer that SS14 has been instructed by the GAL to do weekly facetime calls with DH on Tuesday nights at 830pm. Well, that is 9:30 pm our time and DH gets up at 3:45 to be at work before 5. He has a 30-40 commute. We are trying to get the time changed since we had no say in it. We also found out that DH will be gone for most of the month of August. So that just makes things even more awesome. 

3 days ago I sent my bios to California to spend the summer with their dad. Their flight situation was a disaster due to weather, at one point I threatened to hunt down an AA rep at her home if my kids were not on the next flight from their layover and they had to spend the night in Dallas alone at the airport!

 I know they are going to have a blast but I miss them already. I hate that I feel like I can't even express to DH that I miss them. I know how much he wants SS14 in his life and that he should be spending similar time with SS14 as my kids spend with their dad. I feel like I am not allowed to be sad that my kids are gone... Like I would somehow be defending BM's behavior if I miss my children... The difference is  though, my kids go to their dad. It doesn't matter that I miss them. They love their dad and SM and brothers there- all of them love and miss my bio's too! I won't keep my kids from their father.

We fly back to KS in 35ish days for the hearing... We know BM is working and have all of that proof. Based on the calculator in my state with estimated income DH has been overpaying CS for the last year (AT LEAST) by about $100/mo. We are also going to fight the calculations for alimony since she had been able to work this whole time and has never provided income statements just her word that she was on disability and "factored at minimum wage". I hope she is slammed for this. She has been working, that we know of since September, still getting social security disability too... so we will see what happens. 

I don't think it is a good chance, but SS could wind up coming to live with us after this. If that doesn't happen I am about 100% sure that SS will be ordered to spend the rest of the summer with us. Of course DH is leaving 10 days after the hearing... so yay for me? It would only be a total of about 3.5 weeks  before he has to go back for school anyway but I don't want 2 weeks with him without DH. However, if we don't take the time BM will use that as a "See! He doesn't even have time for his son! SS shouldn't go at all!"... Which isn't the case, but DH is military. They are called orders, not suggestions. BM loves all the $$ that DH's career has provided for her but she sure as hell has never supported him or helped with any accommodations for his parenting time.

I don't even know what to think anymore. I know this is rambling especially to those who don't know my back story but Jesus, I needed to type something out. 


tog redux's picture

This stuff sucks, I'm sorry.  I've been there.  Just hold fast to your resolve that you will let go after this no matter how tempting it is to continue.

Don't worry about the phone calls, you wake DH up in the unlikely event that SS does call at 8:30 - or you place the call and if he answers, then wake DH up.

Sorry again, I've been there and I wouldn't wish it on anyone! 

(To help you keep the faith, my once alienated SS brought his friend over to meet DH the other night! Miracles do happen, but not through Family Court).

justmakingthebest's picture

DH has to make the call. He figures he will just take a nap and then set an alarm to wake up to call. I am with you though, I seriously doubt SS will answer. 

On another amusing note, we did find out through BM's friend's screen shots that she is planning on recording any converstations they are having. So that doesn't make things weird at all....

StepUltimate's picture

Her recordings can be Winners for you, definitely state you do not consent in each convo...

SteppedOut's picture

Depending on the state(s) each party live in and the laws on recordings, consent by both parties may not be required. 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, check each state's recording laws. In my state, she could record that with no issue.  But what's the point of it?

DH: "Hi son, how are you? How'd school finish up? What's your plan for the summer? We really hope to see you.  Miss you a lot, pal. Love you, bye."

BM: OOOOOH,  he's trying to alienate me!  I'll send this to my attorney!!




justmakingthebest's picture

He has strict guidelines for the conversations. He isn't allowed to say anything about the cases, he isn't allowed to mention coming to see us or us seeing him... it is BS but DH is willing to play the game for 5 weeks until our next hearing. He isn't going to jeopardize anything by going off the "approved" topics.

tog redux's picture

Well, that's ridiculous, but whatever. Of course he wouldn't say anything about the cases, but saying that he hopes to see him is a stupid thing to ban.