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Days like today I really hate that SS15 doesn't have much of a relationship with his BM...

Jsmom's picture

My husband is out of the country for the next week and a half. Communication is strictly Skype for 20 minutes given the time difference of 13 hours. And the last two times, he has been drunk because the Japanese executives insist on going out every night and it would be rude to not drink the sake....Whatever, he is vying for a promotion.

As soon as he is leaving, SS15 is starting to have huge allergy problems. I am completely re-engaged during this visit, but usually am not. I have just always been the one he comes to. DH just defers that stuff given my background with late husband and meds, I am pretty educated on it, but this a new one for me. He could barely open his eyes on Friday night. So we started with regular benedryl and that was not working, so now I have given him Claritin in the morning and it is not lasting. I have now added a benedryl at night that the pharmacist recommended. That is making the kid pass out at 8 last night. Now tonight, he has testing for a new belt in Karate. He is a zombie.

It would be really nice, if I could have a decent conversation via email with his mother, that is a pharmacist. So instead, after work, I will go into another pharmacy that is by the Karate studio and talk with them. I am wondering if I can double the dose of the Claritin since it is wearing off around four and it is supposed to last 24 hours. Clearly this is going to be a bad allergy season. He has always had allergies, they were never this bad and never lasted this long.

Just really frustrated that I can not even have a decent conversation with the witch. He is not my son, I treat him like he is, but he is hers and she should be mom. I miss my husband and my BS19 who is coming home Thursday from Spring Break, before he goes back to school. I don't like just the two of us in the house alone, I feel like a bad parent. He is a loner on a good day. Tonight, I am forcing him to at least watch one show with me. Just so he has some interaction.

On another note, my idiot SD did not get a tattoo this weekend, but did look at them and has decided that she is getting either a whale or a dolphin next month after her birthday. These things do not go away and one tattoo is a gateway to more. She knew how we felt and just at Christmas was telling us that she would never do that, but did want a belly button piercing. Whatever, she goes along with whatever person she is friends with at the time. Unfortunately, those things do not go away and when you decide ten years from now that you are not attached to sea mammals anymore, you will feel foolish. DH was frustrating today on the phone, so I told him he should check Twitter, but he won't remember...

She also, put on Twitter that one of her friends was looking for a game cube with a certain game for $50. She said yes and he could have it. Well it is not hers, it is SS15. Oh well, he is never going back thankfully. Just find it one more thing she can do to alienate her brother.

I really hate BM and I am having a hard time not hating my SD17 and just feeling sorry for her. God forgive me.


Jsmom's picture

The Claritin is supposed to last 24 hours, we are getting about 8. Does the Zyrtec last longer? I have Nasacort that is not even opened, will try that. But, doubt this kid will use it...

Jsmom's picture

I am going to pick up the Zyrtec for this one. My BS19 has skin allergies and takes the Zyrtec, twice the dose, since the doc told him too. When they made it OTC, it was for a milder dose than the prescription was.

I just have a hard time thinking both the boys are taking the same thing for completely different allergies.

Jsmom's picture

What is really frustrating is that the pharmacist pushed for the Claritin with a piggy back of the bendryl. Completely not working, I am dealing with a miserable zombie.

misSTEP's picture

I have bad allergies and get hives if I take antihistamines.

Have you ever considered going with the allergy shots?

moeilijk's picture

My allergies have settled down a bit over the years (lucky!) but I have learned some tricks.

First, check the active ingredients. My theory is that each person seems to respond to each active ingredient differently. I don't respond at all to Claritin, unless my symptoms are swelling (vs a rash or teary eyes). I respond well to Chlortriplon, but can't sleep on it. I do well with Zyrtec but notice a bit of a caffeine-like high (not a problem, just something I notice), and it's coincidentally the only one that works at all for my husband.

kathc's picture

I'm sorry if this sounds bitchy but why haven't you considered taking the kid to see his doctor so the doctor can figure out what meds to give him?

Jsmom's picture

He is fine now...Three days of Zyrtec and no more allergies. Luckily we live in GA and this only lasts a short time. Also, his dad being out of town, I was not comfortable taking him to the doctor unless it was really severe.