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Few moments in the life....

jojo68's picture

Thought I'd share a WTF moment from last night.

SD14--Busts through the door (even coming through the door is a look at me moment) after a night over at a friend's immediately goes to the refrigerator--"what did yall buy at the store"
SD14-"What kind of groceries"
DH-"Just food, ok...I am not going to give you a list of things we bought"
SD14-"Why not??? Didn't you buy me anything?"
DH-"There is fruit in the freezer"
SD14-"What is for dinner"
DH-"It is still out on the stove"
SD14-"What is thissss??? She is asking this about Steak, zucchini, and sweet potatoes.
DH-"just get something to eat it is all good"
SD14-"All I want is this sweet potato. Is it cooked? Do I put butter on it?" "what did you put on yours dadddddddddddddyyyyyyyy?" "can you put the butter on it, I don't know how to do it Daddddddddyyyyyyyy!"
DH-"Put the butter on it yourself I know you know how to do that"
SD14-"Never mind I want fruit instead" "How long does it go in the microwave to thaw?" "Do I put it on defrost? "Do I use a bowl?" "I got sunburned today on my face and arms. I don't know if my legs got sunburned?" Did you hear me dadddddddyyyyyyyyyy? I said I got sunburned!!!!"
Included also in the conversation---intermittent yelling at the dog or squealing baby talk to the dog.

Am I just a bitch or would that annoy anyone human??? I know kids are annoying sometimes but this girl is 14!


zerostepdrama's picture

I'm annoyed just reading that.... and it sounded just like YSD15 and MSD18. :sick:

thinkthrice's picture

Hell, the BM in my case is 43 and still calls HER mom "My mommmyyyyyyyy!"

Well, it DOES seem like your DH is starting to get sick of the MONSTER HE CREATED!!

How many years did it take?

jojo68's picture

Yes he does get annoyed...but he still lets her act like that. I would be so embarrassed if one of my kids acted like that. I don't get it :?

IslandGal's picture

Shit..I felt my palm itching when I read it.. I honestly wanted to slap her!! Sadly, only DH can stop it, by embarrassing her when she does her baby talk bulshit. It would drive me up the goddamn wall, for real!

luchay's picture

LOL - I tell my 8yo do NOT baby talk me as I will not respond. Then I ignore her until she acts her age.

bluehighlighter's picture

SS does this and he's 8 so yea SUPER annoying from an 8 year old Ridiculously annoying at her age. Gross

bluehighlighter's picture

SS does this and he's 8 so yea SUPER annoying from an 8 year old Ridiculously annoying at her age. Gross