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OT - I have to make fun of psycho SIL a little bit

Jcksjj's picture

Psycho SIL is posting a recycled version of her valentine's ad for her boudoir photography all over for Father's day. It says Father's Day is Sunday, June 20th and then under that "give him something sexy to remember you by. He's already got enough mugs, socks and t shirts. Give him the gift of lewd."

No. No, no, no. Does not work. I know the idea is supposed to be that its given to your partner (kids dad) but, no. Valentine's ads can not be repurposed for Father's day.


ndc's picture

Most women who are giving their husbands boudoir photos do not consider them to be crude and offensive, which is the definition of lewd.  I suspect she'll lose more business than she gets with that ad.

thinkthrice's picture

What finishing school did you say she attended?

Jcksjj's picture

She went to a tech school to be an automechanic. 

thinkthrice's picture


Stepdrama2020's picture

My ex SD would give this gift to daddio. 

Creepy ad BTW. Fathers day gifts consists of mugs, T shirts, golf balls NOT sexy photos.

Your SIL is weird to the max.


Jcksjj's picture

Dear God I hope she's not going to combine this and her princess pictures for Father's day and going to force an SD pic on DH like she did at Christmas. 

Shes is really weird, I have absolutely zero idea why exactly MIL is so proud of her. She has 2 successful kids and her favorite is the one pretending to be disabled and pushing her incest pics.

MissK03's picture

LOLLLL! Here kids!! Give this photo of me to dadddeeeee!! What an idiot. I've never seen a Father's Day ad like what she's trying to get business for.. 

CLove's picture

for ALL the fathers in your life, heres a nude-ish photo!