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Visitation obligation and dh meltdown

iamlosingit's picture

It's finally happened. Dh had a mental break and now all he is doing is working his 2 jobs and visitation. Said "when I cheat" on him he doesn't want to know.

Dh went to file his 2017 taxes.
He's claimed ZERO all year.
He owes $600.
It makes no sense. We looked at his W2 and mine. He makes $9 more/hour then I do and my company took out TWICE the amount for state/federal. And I claim one. How the heck does this happen??
Long story short dh had a meltdown and called MIL...she is now coming over to stay with us for as long as it takes to help dh figire out a budget and ways to save money, etc. He is taking a personal day on monday (despite it being a visitation day) to make phone calls so he can pull all the money out of his 401k to pay off his student loans. He says with his luck he will retire and die a year after retiring anyway so whats the point in keeping it. He says visitation is court ordered so he can't stop seeing ss but I'm "not going to have a husband" until this is fixed.
We can't afford MIL to stay with us. I don't know what we are going to do. He JUST paid the IRS and now they want more.


mommadukes2015's picture

I just got done fighting the IRS for my SO. I had him sign POA forms so that I could do it while he was working because he works from 7am until 3:30 and with his hour and half commute their hours are not work-friendly.

There are tax advocacy services in each state. We were assigned a tax advocate who helped us sort through 2 years of screwed up returns only to find out 2014 was messed up too.

Amcc13's picture

If mil is coming to stay then she needs to contribute to household expenses
She won’t be helping you save if she is eating you out of house and home
Besides what true man calls his mommy instead of turning to his wife? Then tells his wife she doesn’t have a husband and tells her she is going to cheat on him?
Just when I think this guy can’t get worse here is the next blog.

So the question remains...
what is going to be the thing he does that finally drives you to develop a spine say no and get the hell out???

ndc's picture

Is his filing status married filing separately? I'm assuming so since you're not saying that YOU owe anything. Are you sure he claimed zero? Did you see his W4? This man sounds like a complete financial incompetent, in addition to the other items in his negative column. Calling his mom, so you have another mouth to feed, and taking a day off from work, which will reduce his income, does not sound like the best plan. His mom has obviously not managed to instill any financial knowledge into him so far in his life; why would he think she can save the day now?
Why are you staying with him? You are obviously his very last priority. Please make an exit plan - this man is ruining your life.

Rubber Ducky's picture

I second checking his W4. If he withheld at the married rate, significantly less would be withheld than by selecting the single rate, even claiming 0. There should be an option to select married but withhold at the higher single rate also.

iamlosingit's picture

Yes I saw both of his forms he really did claim zero at both jobs for state and federal. His mom used to be an accountant for many years before she got sick, so she might be able to help. We have filed seperate since married and have no deductions so its a fairly easy filing process. I just dont understand the visible difference between what his employer took out and what mine did. It really is that wide of a margin.

DPW's picture

Every time you post, I want to kidnap you and take you home with me so you can get a well-deserved rest and not have to put up with all the b.s.

I'd really consider my future in this relationship if I was you.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Did you have any say in MIL staying with you? Because I see that just starting a whole host of new problems. Your DH really needs to man up. He actually called his mom to help him fix this. Haven't you been trying to get him to fix it for a long time? I would be offended that he actually put his faith in his mom, while ignoring what his wife wants or needs...

Harry's picture

He could file as head of household. And has to take himself as a dependent
Should. Be 1. And head of houshole
He is laying CS.

ndc's picture

If he's married and lived with his wife all year, he can't file Head of Household. Plus from what OP has written in the past, I doubt he paid half the costs of his household (OP seems to pay more), and I don't think the skid lived with him for more than half the year. Those are also requirements.

iamlosingit's picture

We use turbo tax, it didn't ask for "head of household". I'm confused because it uploads our W2's and we just enter other nimbers in off the form based on the box it asks for, really "stupid proof", we have no itemized return both are standard. I'm getting a refund and he owes.

lieutenant_dad's picture

DH ran into an issue last year where his work totally screwed up. They switched payroll systems when his company merged with the new one, and whoever input his info read his W4 wrong. He did the worksheet where he wrote what he was eligible to claim, then claimed 0. However, whoever put it into the new system put the amount he was eligible for, not what he actually wanted to claim. We didn't realize it until we filed taxes and owed.

Hopefully this is an issue like that. However, given your DH's inability to do much of anything, I'd bet he did something he shouldn't have. Really, I think you need to consider separating from him. Whether that is a permanent or temporary solution, that's up to you. But he doesn't want you there. He wants Mommy to kiss his boo-boos and make it better. I would let her and him work out his life while you get on with yours. His BS "when you cheat on me" thing is to get you to treat him with kid gloves versus like an adult. Tough cookies. He is an adult, he's effing up, and he needs to fix it. He has another adult who can help him, but he doesn't want their help. He wants Mommy.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but take his offer of an out. He doesn't want you, and you don't need to clean up his mess. Get yourself sorted out and let him adult.

Livingoutloud's picture

Any CPA or tax attorney can advice him how to file taxes. Also financial aid manner can help him as well. Why does he need his mother to do it?

beebeel's picture

An "accountant" or a CPA? My MIL also claims she was an "accountant" because she did billing and payroll for her husband's business. She knows nothing about budgeting or financial issues and still has to have someone else do their taxes.

Obviously she didn't bother teaching her son any of her accounting skills, if she indeed has them.

hereiam's picture

You looked at his W-2 but have you seen his W-4? I mean, this is guy who doesn't know how hundreds of dollars vanish from his account.

I really think you can do better than this guy. Hell, you can do better on your own, with just yourself.

ESMOD's picture

Sounds like he claimed extra dependants on his w4. They withheld too little. They will do what you tell them. It's not illegal but in the end u pay what you owe. I bet buddy told him how to get more money in his check.

iamlosingit's picture

I saw both his W2's he claimed zero for both state and fed for both jobs.

beebeel's picture

If he works two jobs, the income from a single job is withheld at that tax rate, but he is making half? his income elsewhere and at tax filing time, it most likely puts him in a higher tax bracket.

He needs to increase his tax withholding. One way to do that is to claim 1 on his W4 because he is married. He can also opt to have more withholding (say $25 a paycheck) if he inisists on claiming zero to cover his tax obligations.

He can't do anything about owing this year. He'll have to pay in because he didn't have the proper withholding in place.

ESMOD's picture

Sounds like he claimed extra dependants on his w4. They withheld too little. They will do what you tell them. It's not illegal but in the end u pay what you owe. I bet buddy told him how to get more money in his check.

notasm3's picture

The paycheck deductions are dependent on the W4. Many decades ago I had some horrible losses. I claimed some ridiculous number of deductions on my W4. An IRS employee called to question me and pointed out that I’d owed $5000 the year before. I told her to look again as I’d gotten. $5000 refund not that I’d owed it. She did and realized her mistake.

notarelative's picture

... he can pull all the money out of his 401k to pay off his student loans...

May not be the greatest of financial decisions. In order to discourage you from taking early withdrawals from your 401K plan, the IRS imposes a 10% early withdrawal penalty if you are younger than 59-1/2. Plus, I believe, you pay income tax on the money.

beebeel's picture

This should not be confusing for anyone. If he claimed "zero" (tax exempt, which he is not, as he is a grown ass able bodied man) all year (which means he did that to himself on his W4) they did not withdraw enough taxes during the year. So he owes.

If you read the W4 before you fill it out, it explains each filing status.

I just can't even wrap my head around this one.

Pear's picture

2 part time jobs will withhold too little. Each job withholds without knowing anything about the other employment.

DH switched jobs mid year and because of that he has way too much withheld for social security. Luckily that is money that will be returned to him.