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OT-funny in a way, but really name is...

herewegoagain's picture

So I notice that most new posters here start off with "Hi, my name is herewegoagain and here is my story..."

Does this not sound like an "Alcoholic Anonymous" intro? lol Sad, very sad...but that's what it almost sounds like. Hi, I'm such and such and this is my story...what a nightmare! Hi, my name is herewegoagain and my DH is an alcoholic, I mean, a DISNEY DAD...sigh

Oh well, just something to doubt this smom deal has really worn so many of us out, especially those newbies who have not had support until they finally found this site. I know for me it has been a life saver and has given me more courage and strength than I ever thought possible.

So, anyway, thanks to the oldies and to the newbies, welcome...soon you won't start off with "hi, my name is and this is my story", but instead "hello again, these people have lost their minds!" lol Smile


Ommy's picture

Well my Skids have made me an alcoholic...well not fully but with the wine I now drink If someone was to see my recycling bin they would think I was....oops...

herewegoagain's picture

ah, yes...I never drank either until I got involved with this craziness... :sick:

LemonGrassLove's picture

I've discovered that Copper Camels (Butterscotch schnapps and Irish cream in a shot glass) are AMAZING since all this nonsense started.

stormabruin's picture

LOL! But unlike a 12-step program, there are counless steps. It's simply a never-ending "step" program.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Hi my name is Unfreakingreal, I have been a Steptalker for 2 years and 10 weeks. If it were not for the support of my Steppies, I probably would have hit rock bottom and probably committed some very heinous act. So thank you for listening. Smile