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How many of you married guys that were "beneath" you financially, etc?

herewegoagain's picture

I wonder how many problems some of us have because the men we married did not come from our same social background and thus now that they are with you and better off, their crappy families and ex and kids think that you owe them and that YOU and their fathers should give them the same lifestyle...

I hate to say it as my parents never raised me to look at people for anything other than how nice they were...but I know that many of our problems although caused by crazy ex, slutty skid and loser in-laws originally, mostly stem from the fact that they have a crappy life, were raised in crappy homes and anything we have they want and will do anything they can to make our life miserable so that they can live better...

Sigh...really, stupid of me to "marry down"...and if it sounds horrible, sorry...but the fact is that many years ago it was expected that you would marry same class or up as a woman and this has drastically changed with women having better jobs, etc...


Eyes Wide Open's picture

I agree, and I don't think it's socially incorrect to say it, either. It's simply stating fact. I was a widow when we met. College educated, working, financially stable, everything paid off and money in the bank. Everything is still in my name. DH makes decent money, but is not wise with it. We have a pre-nup, and NONE of our money is in shared accounts, so he can do whatever he wants with his. I have already made sure that my daughter will be in charge of everything when I'm gone, because he would piss it all away. And, I also do not want any of the money that my late husband and I EARNED to go to his lazy, entitled kids. I have done all of this through attorneys to make sure it's iron-clad. DH is aware of it and is fine with it.

DH's family is financially sound and well-respected in their community. His X-wife came directly from the trailer park (he admits he was young, and trying to "save" her). Her family is 4th generation welfare. It's in the gene pool. SD25 has remained true to the "family business" as I call it (making babies for fun and profit). The X sucked him down while she was married to him, and has sucked their kids down, too. Again, this is not anyone thinking they are better than anyone else, it's simply a matter of fact.

And, his kids thought I was "after him for his money", too!!!! LOL!!!!!!

EnigmaMCMLXIV's picture

Yeah I know exactly what you are talking about. My boyfriend comes from a family of 12 siblings all the siblings are comfortable and not in need of a dime except him. He married when they got pregnant and got a mortgage to renovate a house he inherited. They are now divorced she left him 6 years ago and in order for him to keep the house he had to pay all the bills they incurred while married. Now he is further in debt and he still spends like he is in a double income home. I explained how this is going to turn really bad in the future but he don't care and continues to get advances on his visa. I own my home and I tell you now he won't be moving in with me!!!

buttercookie's picture

Mine wasn't beneath me financially as far as earning power, he was beneath me due to his guilty spending. Some how he felt when he married me I would be able to take care of all 4 of the kids (his 2 and my 2) AND have so much money that he could spend,spend,spend on his kids while mine got the shaft. That changed after he started getting declined for credit for his precious snots and the phone had to have the ringer shut off because we had a different creditor calling every 15 minutes from 7am-9pm. He'd never answer because he didn't want to talk to them. He did talk to them once and agreed to a 2000 payment one month when we didn't have anywhere close to that after paying rent. Got us into a lot of trouble because we bounced checks all over, we had overdraft fees that where outrageous and I found this out almost a month later. He somehow forgot to tell me that he not only overdrafted us but he drained us completely yet didn't stop shopping for STAIN's every wish on money we didn't have. I still have anger issues over all this, we have worked through it, but it took years, but it still ruffles my feathers.
Oh and the reason he overdrafted us in the first place is so he could pay on a bill and get his credit limit increased to reward Stains bad behavior and bad grades.

alwaysanxious's picture

No, he is defiantly above me in pay grade, but I still pay half all bills that are associated with me (house, utilities, etc). He does take up the slack on entertainment, and he does pay for outings when skids are with us.