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a day at the CS office in Texas...and this my dear friends, is what happens...PATHETIC

herewegoagain's picture

So, we go to the CS office to get this CS mess resolved. Here are some things that I found just pathetic.


There was one old BLIND MAN who is obviously a blue collar worker or had been with this son. The man is there because he was supposed to pay CS for his son, who is now about 24yrs old, but because he was disabled for the last 10 years or so...yes BLIND...he could not afford to pay what he was originally asked to pay. The man has accumulated ARREARS because of it.

The LOVELY morons at the CS office in Texas have been taking out the arrears CS money out of the check of HIS SON, yes, the 24yr old for which he was supposed to be paying before...yes, they have different social security numbers, but the same name...yes, you heard that correctly...the CS office in Texas has been garnishing the wages of the "young adult" for his father's CS arrears and for about a year they have tried to stop it. Well, of course, the idiots in Texas do NOT care who they get their money from and since the kid is in the military vs. the old man who was on SSI, well, they are taking the money from him. The poor old man went there with his son (his son did NOT want him to go and told him it was ok, that he would continue to pay the idiots in Texas and not to worry as he understood that his dad just could not because of his income, medical condition, etc...), but dad wanted to clear his son's name. Sadly, we were there a couple of hours and never saw either of them leave the place...I don't doubt they took the man to jail or something.

Then there was the wonderful CP mother who was there to get papers filled out so she could get food stamps, etc...Ah yes, although we are ALL told as SMOMS and the NCPs as well, that the kids should NOT be involved in the money issues, this lovely custodial mother takes her 11 & 12 yr olds to the CSE office with do the talking for her. Yes, that is right. She has HER KIDS ask the CS person about "how much their dad owes in CS that he has not paid" and the office just tells them. By the way, these two kids are OUT OF SCHOOL on a SCHOOL DAY to do this with MOMMY...and then of course, she tells them she needs this info to apply for food stamps.

Now here is what I find interesting...the idiot mother 1st takes two kids to ask this about CS, which if it was an NCP involving the kids in CS matters, they state would be ticked off 2nd she is such a GREAT mother that she has 2 other kids IN THE CAR the whole time, who are YOUNGER than these two alone...while she does this (she cannot see the car as it is BEHIND the place)...3. the kids and mother in need of food stamps are walking around with iPhones and iPods and ALL very nicely dressed with the latest brand name shoes, clothes, etc...and 3. mom has a huge SUV that couldn't be older than a couple of years old...gotta freaking love it.

And then there was the BM who's ex has custody of their young son...She is there ticked off and the CS office is actually SYMPATHETIC TO HER because her ex has been in jail since December and she has been paying CS since December and she doesn't know if he's out or not, but if he's not, then that means she's been paying SMOM and if so, she wants her money back because she''ll be damned if she'll pay SMOM...instead she'd rather "take his ass to court and get custody"...WHAT? Oh wait, you didn't care the guy was in JAIL and thus wanted custody, you care that you might be paying CS to SMOM and thus you want your money back and custody now? Ah, mind you, the loser pays 115USD a month in CS and she is complaining. Mind you that she went to the kid's school and the teachers told her he had straight As, never missed school, blah, blah, blah...but her concern? Paying CS to SMOM and "taking his ass to court". You just have to love it.

And then the rest of the men who walked in there, in their work uniforms, all dirty and greasy from obviously doing pretty hard work...most in there because their shitty EX wants a could see the sadness in their faces...

And of course, then the other women I saw were young girls, with iPods, iPhones, brand name BS, nails done, etc...ALL asking for modifications or new CS orders cause "they just couldn't afford the kid"...

Ah, it was pretty pathetic. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It is ABSOLUTELY SICKENING what is going on...and my heart truly breaks for the men there who were obviously nervous knowing that soon, the CS office would screw them too...very, very, very sad...I still have the blind old man's face in my mind, as I wonder if he ever made it out.

PS - about us? I won't even get into the details of their pathetic ways, but at this point, we are waiting for a freaking letter stating it is paid in full and that the case is closed...sigh


just.his.wife's picture

I believe what she is upset/ pointing out the patheticness of is:

a) Blind guy did not get a modification when he was put on disability. Thus ending up in arrears.
b) The idiocy of the state of Tx taking the cs amount out of the paycheck of the CHILD the CS was supposed to be supporting.
c) Worthless POS BM's in the office with their bling on, texting on I-Phones, leaving their kids in the car, nails done, brows waxed, clothed head to foot in an outfit, shoes and all, whose cost likely rivals my car payment: all the while crying poor mouth they cant afford the kids. ---- And behind them walk in the blue collar guys that the CS department is raping: dirty, sweaty, covered in grease/dirt/oil etc-- from you know WORKING - and that office doesn't care what dad can afford: only what mom says she can't afford.

just.his.wife's picture

My exhusband was disabled.

When he was found disabled the state still "inputed" his income at what he had been making, not his disability payments.

I signed off on child support since had they taken his CS out of his disability check, it would have left him with $0.00 to live on and he still would have been building arrears of $300+ per month.

Prior to him becoming disabled: he was a blue collar guy. State sent me letters every six months of did I need a modification. And would send him letters at the same time stating I was taking him back for a modification. Took two rounds of these letters for him and I to talk and realize it was the state doing it to make more money. He thought I was just being a b*tch because that is what their letters were leading him to believe.

And how to I know the bling ladies are the formers of the blue collars?

If they had been married to a rich guy/ baby momma to a rich guy/ had $ of their own, they would be at their attorneys office, not the Department of Revenue looking for more cash.

It's how our government seems to work. Feed the poor off the sweat of the brow of the middle class.

herewegoagain's picture

You are EXACTLY correct. That is EXACTLY what this man told us. They imputed his income anyway although he was disabled and every month he built up arrears because of the imputed income.

Fast forward and they started garnishing the wages of his OWN SON, with a different social security number? Crazy SOBs! The SON was paying the crappy mother for CS...and she did NOTHING to stop it either. I guess she didn't care who paid her the money back as long as someone did, even if it means HER OWN SON paying her for raising him...pathetic.

herewegoagain's picture

Because we talked about it. Because his SON who was basically paying his shitty mother CS told me. Because the poor guys were there with freaking huge files of shit...that's why.

Meanwhile the BMs there went in with NOTHING and just filled out one freaking simple form...the guys on the other hand had to go in with tons of proof of crap as usual.

PS - I am NOT saying blue collar guys should not pay CS...but these freaking women sleep with a blue collar guy who doesn't make a lot of money and then leave them and want more than the guy could ever afford had they even stayed together.

herewegoagain's picture

If that was a story that I had never heard, that would be one thing. But we have lived the crap. Idiots at CSE office saying they sent a letter and not sending a letter, they could care less what happens to the men...the more money they take from men, the more secure their jobs are...I have yet to meet a BM who is custodial who is SUFFERING...No, I do not know a SINGLE ONE...and I know PLENTY of BMs who are custodial...heck, I know some NONCUSTODIAL who don't even have to freaking pay CS.

I do NOT know a SINGLE MAN who has not been screwed by the CS system...and I know PLENTY of men paying CS.

herewegoagain's picture

1st YOU made the choice to lower his cs...and you are right, I do NOT know the specfics.
2nd if you were an NCP, you would NEVER have CS lowered by the courts if you decided to go to school...why do you feel entitled to more money because of your choice to work less hours and go to school?

12yrstepmonster's picture

What angers me most:

My husband works in the factory- he makes damn good money.

He now commutes over 19000 miles a year for work as his plant closed. Est gas cost over $3000 a year, est oil changes 330 a year, tires 600 a year.

He pays almost 150-200 a month in medical

He pays 1000.00 in union dues a year. Est.

These are items he'd incur if his first family was intact. He can not use these expenses to reduce his income for support.

Meanwhile SS has no interest in coming to our house he's
Almost 16.

His choice increased DH support 30 a week.

Bm is currently forcing an issue on a 21 year old adult.
Bm told DH she didn't need his money

I think support should be based off of 40 hrs a week. But since DH works OT to offset the above costs she went after that money as well.

I've scrunched the numbers. Net income to net income subtracting CS from DH adding to BM, BM has over $18k dollars more than he does.

I'm good with support at 40 hrs a week for both parents since neither parent works where bonuses are standard.

herewegoagain's picture

PS - the BI$%$ch BM ex of my husband who can't take care of her daughter because she needs MORE money...yes, that's the one...

The one living in a SHITHOLE...let's see...

Now has 3 other kids in addition to SKID...why the #$%ck did she continue to have kids?
DH paid CS to "help his daughter" and BM didn't spend it on a nicer neighborhood, no, she spent it living in a SHITHOLE, to have more babies, get her nails done instead...

and she now not only has the Escalade, but an old MERCEDES...THAT is what this witch spent the FREAKING CS money on? Tells her daughter she can't afford to buy her crap because she doesn't make enough, but lives in a PAID FOR SHITHOLE, where men drink beer and get drunk in their front yards with no shirts on and she has a freaking ESCALADE and an old Mercedes as cars? Pathetic...Pathetic.

Meanwhile, the people think that if my DH paid CS it would benefit his, it did no good. It only benefitted the BM and the crap she spent her money on like nails, painted on freaking eyebrows, coach purses and ridiculously expensive cars...and NO, her husband is NOT wealthy. The ahole has 5 kids, yes, you heard that right, 5 freaking kids and owes CS for 2...

cant win for losin's picture

don't worry, i didn't miss the point of your post. I'm catching what your pitchin!

herewegoagain's picture

PS - thanks...

By the way, my stupid father, who has NEVER had to deal with this crap, just like my mother, who live very well said to me and my DH as were felt so bad for the old man:

Well, that is's his OWN FAULT because he could just go pay a lawyer to get this straightened out for IDIOTS! Poor guy doesn't have a pot to piss in and he's gonna get WHAT LAWYER? lol sigh

PS - by the way, my sister who IS divorced and does NOT pay CS, because the courts didn't make HER pay cs although her kids do NOT live with her...she just bought a brand new house...beautiful...all with the money she got from the divorce...the CP FATHER? He's still trying to adjust and rented a house...nice...never fails.