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article of dating divorced fathers…lol

herewegoagain's picture

I might just puke…funny, all of these things apply only once they are divorced…NEVER to an intact marriage…the mom MUST have time alone with Dad, it's just once she is divorced, nobody deserves that...


herewegoagain's picture

PS what is funny is that this is ALL about dating a divorced FATHER…of course, none of this crap applies if you are dating a divorced MOTHER...

hereiam's picture

Rule #1: His kids always come first — and you should be happy about that.

Ha, ha. That would certainly make the BM and the kids happy, but.....

My husband loves his daughters but he tried the "putting them first" thing years ago and all it got him was used, abused, and heartbroken.

Rule #2: The ex is here to stay in a co-parenting role, so try to get along with her if you can

Ha, ha. Okay.

I do believe in having the baby talk, unfortunately some men will not tell the truth. Honestly, had I wanted to have children, I probably would not have dated a man who already had kids.

Of course, a man's finances are going to take a hit when he has kids but if he doesn't have enough left to pay his way, he shouldn't be dating yet. Some of these guys are just looking for supplemental income.

Really, instead of ground rules for dating a single dad, this article is a great argument for NOT dating a single dad at all.

JingerVZ's picture

Best rule for dating a divorced father with kids: DONT!
Pity I never took it!

herewegoagain's picture

I couldn't agree more with all the comments here. So funny. My sister is a witch BM. Her view throughout my nightmare has always been that all of these rules should apply and I should just deal with it or get out. She is now teaching her daughter to be a horrible BM as well.

Funny, but once she divorced all those rules seem to apply to her EX (and he's quite nicely told her to FC$%ck off lol) and yet she has dated many men, met their very minor children but as soon as the men want to get serious, she runs. Ah, yes, all these rules only apply when they are your kids and you are the BM…lol I can't wait for her to have a little taste of her own medicine…lol

Again, it amazes me that this is still the view today of so many. But the funniest thing is why is this article about divorced Dads and NOT aboud divorced PARENTS? Ah, yes, because only SMOMS are supposed to put up with this shit. SDADS are not and the BMs play by different rules.

By the way, on the issue of "kids always come first", I took it to heart this weekend. Taught my son how to clean his own shoes, worked with him again to clean his room (I am teaching him little by little although he has always done it to some extent at my request, as he does have autism and is a bit delayed)…and I did ALL the laundry in the house for MY SON AND MYSELF ONLY. DH had a FIT! Got drunk. Wrote on Facebook. Blah! Blah! Blah! He felt like I didn't care about him because I only took care of things for OUR SON and myself…lol The next day, I calmly sat with him to explain to him "WHY I did what I did"…of course, he wouldn't buy it, he felt it was an excuse, there was just no excuse to make him feel like he didn't matter even if that meant I was taking care of myself and our son only…hehe…which was the PERFECT opportunity to say "funny you feel that way, but you know, all those times you have done what your ex, your mother, your friends, your daughter wanted or given them money without considering the impact on us, etc…you sure felt I was UNREASONABLE by thinking you cared more about them than us…funny how when I do the same, heck, not even the same because this is actually YOUR SON, you have a fit"…He just sat there and said "oh, got it…" whatever! Unbelievable!

thinkthrice's picture

Rule #10: If the man doesn't make enough $$$ to live after he pays his CS and taxes and is looking for a "breadwinner" in a 2nd wife, RUN FOR THE HILLS!! Do NOT touch this man with a ten foot pole!! He is un-dateable.