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The Case for NOT Living Together (and yes these means married couples too)

Auteur's picture

Excellent article here:

No need to witness first hand the nightmare of your significant other kiss his children's fannies!!! Separate abodes all the way!!!!



Auteur's picture

You don't realize you're being used until you're hip deep into it.

I know I was sooooooooo in love with GG. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that he would turn on me and "bite the hand that feeds him."

We go into the whole deal thinking we're BOUND to be cherished and appreciated for sacrificing so much.

Then we quickly become disillusioned when we find out that no, they don't appreciate it, neither do their spawn and they all feel they EXPECT us as SMs to sacrifice everything for them.

Then they start treating us lousy. . .it THEN dawns on us that we truly were suckers, but by then it's too late. The damage has already been done.