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The Ghost Who Disappeared!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Hello all! I've been lurking here, reading all your stories, but haven't posted myself in a while because- well- there hasn't been much going on. But I've had a few people PM me just to ask after me, so thought I'd post a little update.

Still no word from SS (now 22) after...what...5 years? Six? No idea what he's doing with his life now. We do know he graduated high school, as MIL posted pics of them all celebrating all over Fakebook (her, SS, FIL, BM and the BM crew, you know, MIL's BFF). So at least there's that. Given his track record, it was a bit surprising. But, seeing as how NY schools can't let anyone fail no matter how abysmal their grades, it kind of wasn't.

MIL and FIL are still stuck up BM's butt even though SS is now an adult (chronologically and legally, anyway). They're so toxic, and we are still no contact. Life is good.

We're still hoping that someday, SS sees the light and sees BM's PAS for what it is. But...who knows if that'll ever happen?

YSS (Faux) is 16 now. No idea what he's up to either. He was adopted by his bio/stepfather after the whole paternity mess (for those of you who recall; for those who don't, read my blogs if you like... it's ugly though!) and has a new name.

On the home front, DH and I are doing better than ever and will soon be celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary. BS24 is a college graduate, married, working full-time, and successfully launched.

As for my dear, dear friend Ann (who could forget Ann!?), she and her 10-years-younger man are engaged and trying to get preggo. (Ann is 43). They seem happy. So... good luck to them?

Hope everyone is faring well, or as well as can be expected during these crazy times. Smile


DPW's picture

Thanks for the updates! Glad to hear you have peace in your life and hope your DH does as well. 

I love when people come back and update. Woot!

Cover1W's picture

Wow - I fully expect SD17 to be just like your SS22 - I encourage DH to keep contact with her because who knows, but she's deep down not a nice person so ????

Ann! I forgot about Ann. That's not a super surprising update there!  LOL

Glad to see you are keeping on keeping on!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Nope, he's still with mom. Apparently he and dad really aren't getting along and Ann isn't trying to facilitate that. He's only 13, so part of that is on him I guess... I just hope Ann isn't PASing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy anniversary, Mr & Mrs Ghost!!!

Oh, Ann. Sigh... I also wonder what became of her poor son.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

He's 13 now and still with her, not really speaking to his dad. Like I commented to someone else above, I hope she's not PASing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I also hope Ann is not PASing. I always felt so badly for her son. Sad

Glad you're doing well, hon!

tog redux's picture

Glad you are doing well. Parental Alienation sucks, but there is peace when you no longer have the toxic people in your lives.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Truth! It would be nice if SS pulls his head out of butt someday and develops his own opinions, but who knows? If he ever does come around though, just to bring more drama, DH has made it very clear he won't be welcome. He's an adult now, and he can behave like one or stick with BM and her crew.

advice.only2's picture

Oh the Ann stories how I missed those! Glad to hear things are going to well for you and DH though.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Just checked out some old blogs of yours. They were before my time here.  Oh gawd, we all have an Ann in our life. Mine  works with me and it is dang delicious hearing about their "hot Tom, Dick, or Harry's"  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

It's so great to get updates from old timers. Happy Anniversary! And congrats on launching your son so successfully!

Rags's picture

I am happy to hear that you and DH are thriving. Though sad, it is also good news to hear that the toxic Skids are at least staying out of your lives.

thinkthrice's picture

Ann is probably PASing.  Tell Ann cougaring isn't all it's cracked up to be.   I feel sorry for Chris.

You too, eh?  Pumpkinhead (OSS24) is still enmeshed with the Girhippo.  He's engaged to a seemingly nice girl, but HER dad is weird and has a mail order bride (2nd marriage?)  Chef said the only way he might come around would be if he has a kid and the BM PASes HIM out.  Possibly, these things usually don't break their cycle.   He is the LEAST PASed out of all three.  Been 13 years since we've seen him.   Chef got a glimpse of him during the failed reunification attempt of 2012.

Animal Torturer (SD22) same thing.  She's working for Door Dash. No sign of her for 13 yrs.  And to think she was a "Daddy's girl" before their divorce.   She was turning into a mini wife though so I'm not crushed by it. 

HousesHitter (YSS18)  wish StepDaddyBigBucks would adopt that little (BIG) budding felon and get the Gir off the payroll before her turns 21.  If I ever see him again it would be too soon.  He PASed out for good late 2009 over a home cooked meal.

Happy Anniversary!!!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Ah, yes. The PAS is strong in yours as well. I've been following tour story since you were under your previous usernames. (Whoo! I've been around a little while!) I'm really not holding out much hope for SS- he's as enmeshed with BM and her crew and yours are with Girhippo and Big Bucks. Alas, at least they keep their toxicity out of our lives!

hereiam's picture

Glad to hear that you are doing well!

It's too bad what has happened with both boys, I don't know how women like the BM can live with themselves.

As for Ann, well, I'm glad that she seems happy but I really hope she doesn't bring a child into her dysfunction.


CLove's picture

You and your tales of Anne have been missed. Glad that you are disengaged from toxic.