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BM Fails to Appear at Mediation

Francesca's picture

So, BM makes agreements in mediation two weeks ago. Agrees to let teens see father three times per week and encourage them to go. Agrees to let 4 year old be with father.
In true fashion she does none of those things. Fails to show at mediation yesterday.
Me, evil SO goes to mediation to clear up lies (bring documents to prove) and talk about what is best residential custody arrangement for HER children.
Mediator feels children are more bonded with mother. I query, a HEALTHY bond, or emotional hostages?
Since father and I have first hour mediation, and father and BM second hour mediation, we wait with trepidition to see if we will cross in waiting room. There was no need to sweat as she does not show and does not call. Mediator places calls to her during session.
Mediator comes to conslusion that "this is not a good sign." No shit, sherlock, as we say... I request that mediator speak with BM therapist (find out she's in therapy) to see if she is stable mother. Mediator agrees. Problem is that there is not enough money to begin custody battle showing her to be less fit parent and mentally unstable. Father gets the pleasure of paying for psychological evals. Mediator says BM wants to get independent, HAHAHAHHAHAHA, CAN YOU HEAR ME LAUGHING? I replied GREAT! Father will pay for her to finish her last two classes of nursing school so she can do just THAT! Mediator says GREAT IDEA! I say, call her up and tell her to contact her school and REENROLL ASAP, OKAY? GREAT! Anyone laughing with me?


pastepmomof3's picture

So did she answer to your query of Healthy Bond or Emotional Hostage?

I'm confused - is your SO paying for BM's education? Sounds like the mediator is a little off.

Francesca's picture

She answered that she would check with the BM therapist. We offered to pay for the last two classes. He's going to pay no matter what as she has never worked. We feel it is better if she becomes self-sufficient. I doubt that will happen, seriously.....