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You're out of work, but you have money to go out drinking every weekend

Elizabeth's picture

SD20 is just jumping on my last good nerve. I'm really close to hating her. I'm sorry, I can't help it.

So she overdraws her account, DH gets the notice and texts her, she cries to daddy about how she lost her job. OK, she got fired for bad attitude toward boss, co-workers, customers, pretty much everybody. She should have been fired a lot sooner than she was.

This is the person who "chose" to live in the dorms for the summer so she could keep sleeping with her boyfriend (whom she has now broken up with). BM and BM's mom both live in the town where SD goes to school, she could have stayed with either of them FREE for the summer. But no, she has to have a $1,000 dorm room.

So now that she's unemployed, she is free to go out drinking to bars (despite being underage) OUT of STATE, EVERY weekend. To the point of being hungover the next day. Where's THAT money coming from? Then she cries to daddy about how is she going to be able to pay for her dorm room (she agreed to pay for it herself when she chose to live there, which I think is perfectly fair), AND she owes her third of her summer school costs (only $200), and she soon has to pay for her fall classes.

Instead of devoting time and energy to getting a job, she's devoting it to drinking and partying, smoking marijuana and doing other drugs I'm sure, eating out every meal, tanning with her friends, getting manicures and pedicures, and shopping.

I'm just disgusted with the whole stupid situation.


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

When I read the title, I thought you were talking about my skids' BM! HA! Blum 3

Your DH needs to cut the financial cord already. Does he plan on paying this adult's way the rest of his life with your money?

Elizabeth's picture

He's only legally obligated until 21 (one more year!), but I'm sure he'll continue after that. It's amazing because his parents stopped supporting him when he graduated from high school, but evidently SD can continue to be a leech indefinitely.