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Reality vs. Expectations

ej'scrazy's picture

I know it's summertime, and that means that expectations relax around our house. However, there are some things happening that are driving me batty. I don't know if I'm asking/wanting unrealistic expectations or not, so I'd like some feedback.

A. Phone is paid for by our home (me actually). It costs more than I'd like to pay for it, but at this point, that's a moot point. We (DH and I) have restrictions set for the phone. BM doesn't care what the kids do online or on her time period (if you get more to the point. It's normal, for our dynamic, I guess. My biggest pet peeve about this is we expect the rules to be followed. Skid has been warned several times about breaking the rules. Sunday, I discovered that she is yet again not following the expectations. DH confronted her about it, and then I check again today, and find that she is still not follow the expectations.

B. Friends that aren't good ones--I know who kids hang around are a big influence on their lives. How do you get rid of one that just causes drama? BM doesn't care. She wants the kids out of her hair on her time. We limit who they interact with, based on how those friends act. It seems like it's a losing battle. Skids choose people who pull them down instead of building them up.

C. Attitude from skids after you do sh!t for them. I'm over it. I don't want to spend a single penny on them anymore. They don't appreciate it, and b!tch to their friends about what everyone else has told them is wonderful (not just family, but friends, and even strangers when they hear what's been done and the experiences that the kids have had the opportunity to have done)

I'm just tired of being treated like a wallet and doormat when I treat them the way I was taught to treat others the way I wanted to be treated.


notasm3's picture

Treat them the way they deserve to be treated. But stop short of beating them please.

robin333's picture

For the phone, I would give one last reminder and if she continues to not follow expectations, cut it off.

For friends, kid has to decide for themselves that they don't want to be friends or you can make it worse, sparking that rebel. I try to make it impossible for bad influences to be around (conflicting schedules and such).

Attitude, shut it down or reciprocate by putting your energy and time and money in something that is rewarding for you.

ej'scrazy's picture

We do keep it impossible for them to hang out during our time. Bm allows unsupervised freedom. I realize her house her rules, just as our house our rules. At the rate skid is going,I'm afraid we may deal with the consequences of bm's lack of supervision (and a spot of teen mom or that scared straight show).

ej'scrazy's picture

I realize this. BM doesn't parent either. Most of the issue is mom had/has no rules or restrictions and we do.

If this continues, we will deal with the fallout from the situation bm creates. How do you suggest we deal with that?