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Do you want a cat?

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Well BM FINALLY made contact. She hasn’t seen or spoken to the kids in three weeks. I’ve sent her a few messages with pictures of the kids at their request but she doesn’t respond. I’ll be honest I was a little worried something might have happened. Anyways she finally messaged us.

“Do you want a cat?” Turns out a friend’s had kittens and they are trying to get rid of them. Told her no (already have two) and that’s the end. It’s been 3 weeks and not a question about the kids, not a comment about the pictures, no information about when she wants to see them for her midsummer visit which is supposed to happen this weekend but won’t because of her work. No big, we’re more than willing to give her time during the week but not a word about it.

Just drives me crazy how she plays mom of the year when it makes her look good. She threw a fit back in May because there was some day camp thing with church that she wanted to take the kids to and it was during the one set vacation SO and I planned. Made this big deal about how she can never do anything with them.……. Meaning SO won’t give up his time when it’s convenient for her to play mom of the year. Can I add that the kids don't go to church and I doubt she does? We have them every weekend because she works and they don't talk about church anymore. They USED to go with a different family member but not anymore.

I’m honestly expecting her to realize at the end of the 6 weeks that she never took her 2 days and she’ll try to demand she get them early and blame SO for it…….


SMto2's picture

You can't make this stuff up! That would drive me crazy, too. Sorry you're dealing with that.

beebeel's picture

Well, this would have been a welcome contrast to my skids' bm calling every single day during their summer visitation. These calls would always end with sdthen4/5 sobbing because mommy missed her sooo much and just couldn't live without her.

If I were you, I would be grateful that your skids are allowed to spend time with dad without constant bm interference. 

Also, I'm not sure I would respond to my very newly-ex's GF texts, either. Stop sending her texts and pictures. 

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I’m not new. I’ve been with SO for 3 years and it was BM who first set up the group text that included me and SO both because I care for the children on my own consistently including contact with her over their needs. I only send pictures when the kids request such as when they’ve done an art project or climbed really high at the park. I’m not sending multiple text a day.

Sure it’s nice for us that she doesn’t bother us but the kids haven’t heard from their mother in 3 weeks. The youngest is asking when they will see her again and I don’t have an answer. I’ve told him that dad and mom haven’t talked about that yet but he’s a momma’s boy who’s starting to act out a bit. Nothing we can’t handle but it’s pretty clear he feels abandoned.

beebeel's picture

I know you aren't new, but their divorce is still pretty new, unless I've mixed you up with someone else. Whatever text you were part of before doesn't mean she wants to continue communicating through you. Maybe she senses this "I'm the superior parent over their actual mother" vibe you are emitting (btdt I was wrong) and she no longer wishes to include you. It doesn't matter why, but it's obvious your repeated attempts to interject yourself in their coparenting are unwelcome.

 I watched my skids quite often and I may have sent a single text to bm in all the 14 years I've been with DH. Back off the bm or you are just inviting more drama. 

The boy probably misses his mom, but I think it's a stretch to claim you know he feels "abandoned." 

Maybe bm knows if she calls, it will upset the kids because they still have another 3 weeks at dad's. Maybe she is busy and enjoying her child-free time. Who cares. It's not your business, it hardly affects you, and you can't change it. When the kids ask you to send their mom something, just tell them to ask their dad about that. If they ask anything about bm, tell them to ask their dad. 

P.S. If they stay for six weeks every summer, you do have an answer when they ask when they will see their mom. "Three more weeks sweetie." Done. I'm really struggling to understand why you want to be up bm's butt about this.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

They divorced 2 years ago.

BM used the group text days ago to message us about the cat and you forgot the part that she is supposed to have them for two days this weekend but hasn’t said when she wants them. BM could easily message SO alone she has chosen for over a year now to use the group text that she created and alters to include whoever her man of the month is.

I’ll add really quick that BM only works weekends so the fact that she hasn’t set up to have the kids for her midsummer visit isn’t because she’s busy working.

You’re projecting a lot that isn’t valid for our situation and you’re advising me to not let the children contact their mother when they are with me?