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BM has spoken

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Well BM finally decided to try and set dates for her midsummer visit. I say try because SO told he no. She sent a message in our group text stating her new guy would be picking up the children next Monday and we could get them back Wednesday after 5.

Nope. Which of course she didn’t like hearing and tried b*tching about how it’s the ONLY dates and SO should have reminded her about them sooner because she would have taken them last week. Not our job not our problem. The 4th is his holiday this year and we’re not giving it up. She had them last year and tried to guilt him the year before. She can get them Thursday if she wants or wait till next week or get this take PTO to have them during the weekend like the order says she’s supposed to.


Edit: I messed up my days of the week. BM reported she wants the kids the 2nd through the 4th. I have it in my head that Monday is the 2nd for some reason.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I'm off on my days of the week. She wants them the 2nd through the 4th.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

The CO states SO gets 6 weeks. She gets the 3rd or 4th weekend from Friday to Sunday. Its 3rd or 4th because he gets Father’s day. So she should have had them this past weekend. We know she only works weekend so SO has always agreed to give her two days in the middle of the week instead. The 4th of July changes each year and this year it’s his.

She waited this yesterday to finally say when she wanted the kids and tried blaming SO for not reminding she could have them. Not his job and he asked at the start when she wanted them and she didn’t answer. So now she’s trying to demand them next week and getting p*ssy that SO said no because he’s not losing his 4th of July holiday. SO isn't stoping her from seeing them though if they followed the order she already missed her visit. He just isn't giving up the holiday which is more than fair. She could pick the up today if she wanted and he wouldn't have an issue with it.