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Big test will be next weekend.

daisy0202's picture

Next weekend DH and I are going to the cape for the long weekend with friends.

We are leaving next thursday night and not returning till Monday afternoon. SD will be at MIL's for the long weekend. This will be the tests of tests.....


smdh's picture

It will be. Can dh set up a time to talk to her at least once a day? I know you're on vacation, but it may help ease her anxiety if she knows he isn't radio silent the entire time. Of course, he should call her (not the other way around) and the call should be limited to a few minutes just to check in.

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

I'm not 100% clear on the backstory here - does she have actual anxiety issues or just princess syndrome? If it's not a legitimate anxiety issue, I would think that calling to check in would actual make the situation worse. I say go cold turkey, if that's possible.

smdh's picture

I'm not sure. Either way, I think it shows Daisy is also human and not cutting his daughter out and it also shows SD that Daisy isn't trying to totally push her out. Part of the reason my dh is so ok with me not liking his "princess" is because I show that little bit of empathy here and there.

daisy0202's picture

LOL...She is more like a todler than a teen. It doesnt make sense why she needs a sitter but this is DH's call. SD will not stay by herself. The kick, my mother lives 3 houses down the street, my BS21 will be home with my BS14. They will be eatting at my mothers and my mother will be checking on them throughout the weekend but that is it. SD needs attention, someone there to focus on her. That is how she is. She cant just be there by herself even though my 21 year old will be home. It makes no sense i know this but try to explain to DH is like talking to the wall. She has to many issues. Anyway i dont want my poor 21 year old to have to deal with her shit! Ya know?