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Grades 2 D's

BettyRay's picture

SS21 was kind enough to ruin DH's Birthday last week by telling us he's pulling a D in 2 classes. Of course it's not SS21's fault it's always the professor's fault. *eye roll* SS21 told DH at least the grades are passing.

After SS21 left to "study". I told DH whether SS21 graduates or not, there is no way in hell that man-child is living with us after May 25. I'm done.  DH agreed and then asked me if I would higher an mechanical engineer with 2 D's on his transcript?  

I asked back,  "would you prefer an engineer with a low grade point or a high one? Anyone who thinks that Ds are passing and okay - what kind of work product do you think they will produce? What kind of quality control will there be?"

DH just nodded.


195 days until graduation. 




BettyRay's picture

He attends an uber expensive engineering school, ranked in the nation top 10 for mechanical engineering.

All his GREs, which weren't many, were completed in his fist and second years of college.

My gut is telling me SS21 will have to retake the courses. DH accepted SS21's explanation.


lieutenant_dad's picture

Two of my best friends are engineers. One of them actually teaches engineering classes. Anything below a B- or C doesn't count, and at least at his University, he gets to choose whether he thinks students should be allowed to retake his class based on their performance. He has told students, like ones who don't show up except on text day and want extra credit right at the end to bring their grade to a passing grade, that he won't sign off on then retaking the class. Only if he feels like they put in the effort (which he has some students that struggle with one area, but a second taking of the class they pass with flying colors) will he give them another shot.

Hopefully your SS runs into a similar professor. Allowing someone to graduate in a field where he will be responsible for the structural integrity of anything with grades that low is a travesty and hazard.

BettyRay's picture

He would never ask to retake a classes.  SS21 doesn't understand how importance of retaking a class for a higher grade to really master the knowledge, skills, and abilities presented in the class.

I failed one classes during my collegiate career and retook it, I learned more about myself from that experience - but I digress.


ndc's picture

At the schools my sisters attend(ed), C- was required for major classes.  In other classes a D- would pass.  I can't imagine getting hired for a decent job with a bunch of Ds on the transcript, though, no matter what the school required.  I hope your husband sticks with the agreement that the SS will not be living with you post-graduation.