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PigPen13 wants...a dirt bike

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo told PigPen to call my DH last night. Why? Because there's no way SHE is going to buy it for him. So call DH, whom she considers an ATM!

We were watching a movie when Piggy called. What an annoying conversation.

DH: We'll talk about it next weekend.
PP: So that means yes?
DH: I said we will TALK about it.
PP: That means yes!
DH: No it does not. It means we'll talk. You know you would need a helmet, don't you?
PP: I have a helmet. So I'm getting it, right?
DH: We will talk about it. That's MAYBE. Not a bicycle helmet; a REAL helmet.
PP: Can we go buy it Saturday?
DH: We will TALK about getting it.
PP: I have it picked out so we can get it. We're getting it, right?
(Aniki in a low voice to DH): If we'd done that to my Dad, he would have said "Ask one more time and it's No. PERMANENTLY."
DH: If you ask me again, the answer is NO. And that means NO FOREVER.

DH told him if he saved up $900, DH would pay for the rest. God help us all if this twit gets one.

I know it's not my kid, but...
This is the boy who has the emotional maturity of a 2 year old (except when it comes to sex).
- Oh yippee, an emotional TODDLER who still sh*ts his pants, driving around on a dangerous machine.

This is the boy who stole his mother's car less than a year ago.
- If I'd stolen my Dad's car, I'd have been a) dead, or b) mostly dead and grounded for at LEAST a year.

This is the boy who is NOT DH's bio son (PigPen doesn't know this - yet. 'Ho screwed one of her many men, got preggers, and she and DH got back together (wish I'd bee there to kick his ass for a solid week). DH does not pay CS for this kid. Does that matter to 'Ho? Of course not. Every chance she gets, she tries to get DH to pay more, more, more. After all, CS for DH's bios runs out next year.

I know it's not my money and not my responsibility. In my honest opinion, I think allowing this kid to have a dirt bike is a HUGE mistake. If he doesn't hurt himself, he will likely hurt someone else. God help those around him.


notarelative's picture

Where is the 13 year old going to ride this bike?
I live in a small city. We're on a cul-de-sac off a main road. Not much traffic. It's the first day of the local school spring break and I'm really tired of the 15 year old who is riding his four wheeler up and down the street.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have no idea. 'Ho lives smack dab in the center of town - no woods to ride around in. We live in town, so he can't ride it here, either. Someone would have to drive the little darling somewhere to ride.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

A 'family' gift is NOT going to happen. EVER. And Piggy is the only one who wants it. PrincASS showers twice a day - no way he'll ride it. SD19 wants a car.

The thing is, BioHo doesn't want him to have it, but wants to make DH the bad guy when he says No.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The REAL dad is unknown. 'Ho admits she has no idea who the bio father is. She was too busy ho'ing around with too many men (whose last names she didn't always get) to know. Sometimes 2 in the same day (she's a HO).

My DH raised PP from a 'pup'. I don't know when they plan to tell PP that DH is not his bio father, but it's bound to come up some time. His 2 oldest sisters (stb20 and 23) know. If his brother, PrincASS knows, he's actually managed to keep it to himself. IMO, if he knew, he'd throw that in PP's face in an argument. As for DH, he has never treated PP any differently than his bio kids.

Cooooookies's picture

Oh I didn't realize that you also have a teenage pants crapping toddler. Welcome to the club *eyetwitch* This has actually been recently resolved as a doctor FINALLY acknowledged this was really screwed up (DUH!). He prescribed a powered laxative and some clear gloop that SS13 has to take every night. It basically forces him to be regular. It keeps him as clean as a teenager could ever be and I am slowly regaining a bit of my sanity.

I don't suppose BioHo would care enough to do any of that, though. And, yes, had I said any of that non-sense to my dad he would've told me to go pound sand.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes, Cooooookies, a teenage pants crapping toddler. Supposedly, he's "too engrossed" or "too excited" to get to the bathroom. The first time I found those sh*t-laden skivvies in the laundry basket (thank GOD the skids had their own), I showed DH, who promptly put them in a small trash bag and threw them away. Must have thrown out a dozen or so pairs. I finally disengaged and told DH the skids need to take their laundry home with them. No way I'm wasting water washing one shirt and a pair of socks. Pfffft.

twoviewpoints's picture

My take was the $900 talk was prior to the begging recent phone call.

Yeah, ya gotta wonder where Dad's head was when he made that deal with the kid. Sounds like this skid is lucky if he manages to walk and talk at the same time. A dirt bike :O

I hope OP knocks some sense into Dad to clearly put major controls on the dirt bike and it's usage before buying. What's next? Monster truck for muddin' at sixteen?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My DH told Piggy that IF IF IF he got the bike, that Piggy had to pay $900 of the price. That's when the BS started with "So I'm getting one...".

No, DH will NOT be paying the medical bills. Those are all on BioHo and she knows it. Frankly, I think she will put the kibosh on the whole thing. She wants my DH to be the bad guy saying No. That's why she's trying to pass the buck. It backfired.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Sheesh, people in Hell want ice water, too.

What has this skid done to deserve such an expensive gift? Is he pulling all A's in school, working towards his Eagle Scout badge, and volunteering weekends at a soup kitchen?

A dirt bike is a lifestyle purchase, and will require a constant stream of $$ to maintain. Unless BM and DH agree to the kid taking up this new, expensive hobby it makes zero sense to buy a dirt bike. Might as well give the skid a giraffe.

I now understand your fondness for di Saronno.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Exjuliemccoy, I want WINE in Hell! LOL

What has he done? He fixes bicycles for other kids, which I think is great. He's a mediocre student who gets in trouble A LOT because of his (mother's) temper.

DH will NOT be part of the upkeep for a dirt bike. If PigPen wants it; it's his problem. DH doesn't give PrincASS the occasional $20 so there's no way he'd give PP gas money or anything.

notsobad's picture

And who's paying for insurance and gas and maintenance? And who's going to buy the trailer to haul the dirt bike? And who's going to haul it out to the bush so that the skid can ride it? And who's he going to go riding with, does he have friends who ride?

We had friends who bought their son a go cart. It was cool as sh*t! But it never left the garage.
All the kid's friends were so jealous until they realized he never got to drive it. It wasn't street legal. You had to join a track club ($$$) and haul it to the track every time you wanted to race it, or you could store it at the track (more $$$) That was in addition to the monthly insurance, gas and maintenance.
In the end Dad looked like an Ass because he'd bought something that the kid couldn't use and the kid held it against him for years. Yes, even thought the kid had begged Dad for it!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PigPen would have to pay for gas, insurance, and maintenance. No way in Hell DH is paying for that. DH won't buy a trailer, either. 'Ho would have to do that. 'Ho would have to haul it. God only knows who PP would ride with. DH doesn't know a single one of Piggy's friends.

IMO, it won't sit in the garage. He will end up doing something illegal/stupid and get it trouble. Either wreck the bike or lose the privilege.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sally, I don't care where PigPen rides that dirt bike (if he actually gets it). Not my circus, not my monkey!! Since Piggy is not DH's bio, 'Ho has to cover all of that stuff you listed. If DH decides to waste his money helping PP buy the thing, that's his problem. If PP goes to the hospital, wrecks the bike, runs into a parked car, that's Ho's problem to pay for.

robin333's picture

I stand by my belief that if one isn't toilet trained, one isn't mature enough for personal electronics let alone a freaking dirt bike.

If I had stolen my parent's car, I would have been walking everywhere until I left home.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"If I had stolen my parent's car, I would have been walking everywhere until I left home." - ha! forget that!! my brother took a utility vehicle from dad's work, and got caught - he was already packing his bags before dad even got to his bedroom door. that was the LAST night he ever spent at home.

aniki, remember the tale of kaos and the 4-wheeler.
it's still sitting in the garage with a BENT REAR AXLE. and this is a atv, not a dirt bike. if pig pen pulls the same stunt kaos did, he will end up injured, so add medical bills to repair and maintenance bills.

sadly tho', you know as well as i do that dh will cave.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Had I stolen my parents' cars (and lived to tell about it), I would have been grounded until I left for college. No, I am NOT joking! My parents once grounded me for 6 MONTHS for sneaking out one night.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

LadyFace, I agree completely that 13 is too young for a dirt bike. Especially since 1) this kid is very emotionally immature, and 2) none of the adults in his life ride so there is no adult to ride with him.

It wasn't too long ago Piggy had to go to the ER to get rocks picked out of his skin and receive a 10"x10" bandage from his skateboard crash.