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World war IV, another fight over stupid SS

amackeral's picture

You'd think by now I would have learned my lesson to try to talk to DH about SS, every time I try we just end up fighting. Tried again tonight, and of course it got me no where except getting yelled at.

BM called DH to talk about SS and how she thinks he should join Job Corps. After DH got off the phone with BM, I tried to remind him that it doesn't matter what he or BM want or suggest to each other, it's only going to matter what SS wants. Why don't they wait til he gets out to see if he had made any arrangements or plans? Also suggested to him that they take away his old cell phone so he doesn't have all his old friends' numbers.

That was all it took and DH blew up at me, yelling and screaming about how "his son's only choice at this time was to go to a homeless shelter" and implied that only addicts and criminals live in homeless shelters. I told him one of my oldest nephews lived in one once and it wasn't that bad. DH wouldn't listen to anything I said, kept talking over me, yelling over me actually. Tried to tell him that SS needed to do things for himself, not have DH and BM make all his arrangements for him, or SS was never going to learn to stand on his own two feet and take responsibility for his actions. DH didn't care what I had to say, just kept yelling at the top of his lungs that SS needed help to get on his feet. And again, that he wouldn't let his son live on the streets.

By this point, my DD11 came out of her room shaking and on the verge of tears because of all his yelling and screaming, so I told DH that I was done with the conversation. Whatever he felt he needed to do for his son, except moving him in here, go ahead and do. He tried to continue arguing his point, but every time he tried to say anything, I repeated "I said I'm done" or "I said stop" until he finally did stop. I finished the dishes I had started, grabbed my tablet and came to the spare room.

DH has promised me so many times that our problems with SS wouldn't tear us apart... I don't believe him anymore Sad


stepinafrica's picture

What she said. He is trying to intimidate you into letting the kid move in. That is why he is yelling. Don't. Just don't.

Cocoa's picture

he's angry at you for not allowing ss to move in. I know I will face this same scenario in the future. I plan on telling my dh that he's more than welcome to move out and get a place for ss, but if he continues treating me like crap, that he'll go sooner.

omgsaveme's picture

You know as much as our DHs try to act like we aren't involved in SKs lives, even if we disengage, we still are. If you can cook the kids meals, pick up after them, and help with their upbringing you can make suggestions, he doesn't have to listen but what do men really know? Your SSs life and actions affect you and your household cause our DHs always bring their problems to us. There's nothing wrong with you giving advice to your DH, he knows the truth, he just doesn't want to face it. It would probably be great if your SS went into job corps or even the military to help him along the way.

I def wouldn't let him in your house, especially with little ones around. I've stopped making suggestions to my DH for the most part, only enough to tell him SD isn't getting money and that the loser will never learn to do anything for herself if everyone bails her out. *sighs*

amackeral's picture

I'll write a full follow up later but...DH did finally apologize last night, and doesn't know why he reacts like he does. I told him he needs to find help, counseling, NA Family meetings...something. He needs to figure out a better way of reacting to things I say, instead of blowing up every time.

He SWEARS that SS coming here is not even an option, but I'm sure you're right. If/when I'm not home, it could happen.

Funny enough, most of our "valuables" are DH's...his stereo system and XBox. His really nice hunting knife already went missing last time when SS had a party here when we were out of state. I might have to start packing a bag of things with me though, since I don't have anywhere to lock them up with me- checkbooks, tablets, ipod, jewelry, DD's money bank.

I told DH last night that I want all the locks re-keyed since he won't ask SS for his house key back.

I also told him from now on, I am disengaging from all the talk about SS. He can do whatever he feels he needs to do except move him in here or give him money, pay for anything for him. I will no longer make comments or suggestions to him. SS has $483 to his name, he better make that last as long as he can.