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Thoughts of an underappreciated bonus mum

amy90's picture

If you were to ask my thoughts on becoming a step mum I will happily scream at you “DON’T DO IT’ unless of course you love doing the work of two people, being compared to a women you don’t know on a regular basis and love not having an opinion in any aspect of your life, start dressing like an evil Disney step mother because this is the job for you.


Am I wrong??

Hun lee's picture

Hello I’m new to all of this and I mean ALL of this.Im 22 been with my boyfriend for about four years he never told me he had a son then I found out months later his son is 3 then months later he had went to jail and his mother slipped up and said he had a daughter too!!I felt..boy I can’t even explain I was just like wow and obviously his daughter is 3 as well two different moms.he apologized when confronted and at first I felt okay with his kids but he started to treat me like I was an outsider like when we’d fight half the time over stuff he does he’d snatch his son from away f
