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Those secret phone calls...

Adult Stepchildren How many of you know your husband/SO communicates regularly with his kids but it's never in front of you? It's just so weird. It's as if he has a girlfriend on the side. If I went by the contact I hear, SD wouldn't e ...

marblefawn - 09/29/2018 - 11:34pm - 71 comments

if you knew then what you know now...

Adult Stepchildren My question is if you knew then what you now would you still marry/date your other half? If you knew all the grief step kids would give you, and all the fights it would cause in your relationship, the effects they would have on your bio ...

dodgegal05 - 03/15/2011 - 1:10am - 68 comments

OT / my son developed an as$hole attitude overnight...

My son (15) is generally a good kid. Like most teenagers, he has his moments of laziness, but I'm usually on his butt about doing the things he needs to do... and he usually does them with minimal eye rolling etc. A few months ago, he broke my laptop ...

secret - 11/22/2017 - 10:06am - 45 comments

Feeling Rejected

My husband and I got married a month ago and live in two houses. His daughters are 16 and 18. My daughters are 3 and 6. We are doing an addition to his house so we can move in and I am selling my house which is under contract. In the meantime, I stay at h ...

Tiffany1111 - 06/13/2020 - 8:10pm - 53 comments

Another one living the blended family life and feeling miserable

Blended Family Issues My DH has a 9y son and we had a beautiful baby together this year. When we met, it all started very well (as it always does, doesn't it?). I liked his son and he liked me, until he figured out that there will no longer be week e ...

Beach House - 08/06/2023 - 7:41pm - 60 comments

Step- Grandparent Alienation

Step-Grandparents So how many step-grandparents are expected to be a great grandparent to their SGK, but at the same time the SGK is being PASed (alienated) from you by their parent (your SD/SS) and/or the inlaws...? ...

Disillusioned - 11/13/2015 - 3:40pm - 64 comments

thinking about moving and becoming a step mom- should i do it?

General Discussion im a 26 y/o female, never been married, and do not have kids- I live in toronto.  My boyfriend is 35, was married for 10 years and has two daughters, 11 and 6- he lives in vancouver (4 hour flight away from toronto), we met online.  wev ...

marysayed - 08/09/2019 - 11:15am - 84 comments

Stressed with spouses 3 daughters

Teenage Stepchildren Hi, I am new here and like many if you I am really struggling. I love my partner but I am struggling to like and have a relationship with his daughters. The backstory on this is the mother is narcissistic. The girls never saw him and ...

mapap - 09/21/2022 - 1:53pm - 108 comments
