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Feeling Rejected

Tiffany1111's picture

My husband and I got married a month ago and live in two houses. His daughters are 16 and 18. My daughters are 3 and 6. We are doing an addition to his house so we can move in and I am selling my house which is under contract. In the meantime, I stay at his house on the days that my girls are with their father which is half the time. For the third time, I have wanted to come over to his house with my girls and he has said no. His reason is that he wants alone time with his daughters especially his oldest because she is going to college about 2 hours away in 2 months. He only has them every other weekend. I do understand him wanting alone time. But I don't see why we can't hang out earlier, have dinner and then leave them to have alone time after. Also, as much as he wants alone time with his 18yo, she is much more drawn to hanging out with friends and isn't even there this time. I am really struggling because if it were up to me, we would have already moved in, and just been a little cramped until the addition was done. I feel rejected, abandoned and lacking a family atmosphere which I have never fully had coming from a broken home and then going through a divorce with a toddler and baby. Am I being overly needy? Am I not seeing his perspective? 


shamds's picture

Your life revolves around them?? Thats effed up!!

he shouldn’t have married you and especially a woman with much younger kids whom he has banned from his house. You and your kids are a full package!! Yes he married you but he knew you had 2 minors and he has shunned them! That isn’t ok!! 

He’s treating you more like some f*ck buddy!! 

I agree with ybarra357, get an anulment, the fact this is happening literally right after you married is major red flag of whats to come. This guy has misled you...  get an anulment and cancel the sale of your home and tell your newly married husband to “get stuffed and go eff himself!! Your kids are not something or someone to shun and hideaway and neither am i!!”

plenty of guys remarry and juggle time with their spouse/partner and kids.... never would my husband say “no you Can’t come home as i want alone time with my kids”, my husband loves sex with me too much to be that much of an effin idiot.

believe me my skids (2 are adults) had demanded daddy take them on a holiday for a week during our 3rd wessing anniversary and leave me and me 1 & 2.5 yr old at home... never would my husband go on a holiday with his kids when i and my 2 toddlers are at home... thats never something he would consider as we are his family too

Tiffany1111's picture

Thank you for understanding how I feel. I get so mad and hurt when he does this and think I'm crazy but when you put it like that, it's really reasonable for me to feel this way. I definitely want to be with him though. I just need for him to understand how I feel. I've tried to tell him but he just turns cold and shuts off. I guess because he feels like his time with his daughter is running out and he is trying to protect the remaining couple of days they have to theirself. 

beebeel's picture

But you can't "make him" understand. And I think any reasonable person would understand it would be hurtful to tell your SPOUSE she isn't welcome at what is supposed to be her home. A reasonable person wouldn't need that explained. But you aren't dealing with a reasonable person.

Cover1W's picture

It's college. She's not disappearing. Why can't you be there and he still have slone time with her? This is perplexing....he can still do things with the oldest even if everyone lives together. I suspect lije everyone else does that it's the 18yo who is behind this. She doesn't want you there before she leaves. And I'd be concerned about that situation when she does visit. You need to talk with him about that too. If he will (another big issue for you).

Survivingstephell's picture

Why did you get married before the SD left for college?  Why did you get married before the addition was done?  Something is off in this whole scenario.  Why the rush to marry when he obviously dragging his feet now to complete the deal?  

Winterglow's picture

This is just an excuse - if he had really wanted all this alone time with his precious, you could have gotten married after she left for college. IMO, there will be other excuses to put you and your little ones at the end of his priority list. 


The_Upgrade's picture

I know you're saying that you want to be with this guy, you just wish that you can bring him around to understand where you're coming from. If you can do that then great. Apart from the red flags, also consider that you may never bring him around to your way of thinking. He may already understand what you're trying to say. He just doesn't care or agree where the priorities should lay. What then? Do you love and respect yourself enough to walk away from this and wasting your years over someone who refuses to put you first? 

tog redux's picture

May I ask why you guys decided to marry now instead of after his 18 yo left? And how does he think everyone will reach this magical "adjustment" if you don't live together? Sounds like he feared losing you if he didn't marry you right away, but fears losing his kids if he does. But you can't be "half-married", you either are or you aren't. Why can't you be there and he still spends time with his daughter? That's what will need to happen once you move in. I too am concerned this is a red flag that he's going to put his kids needs above yours. 

Livingoutloud's picture

So you are already married and he tells you not to bring his children over to HIS house. He sends you a message that's how life is going to be. Don't sell your house. Stay there. The minute my HUSBAND (not someone I am just dating) tells me not to bring my children around I'd file for divorce. I've never heard such a thing. Marry a woman and prohibit minor children to come over wtf

If you just married you can maybe get an annulment. 

oh he knows how you feel. He just doesn't care. It's a mistake to stay with this man. When people show you who they are, believe them. He is showing  you now 



lieutenant_dad's picture

Somewhere there has been a major breakdown in communication and compromise, but I'm not sure who the guilty party is.

I guess my first question before diving any deeper is whether or not you agreed to this arrangement before getting married? If you and your DH discussed this, and you agreed that you would remain in your home until the addition was done, then I can see why he's upset that you're trying to back out of an agreement you two came to together. Regretting it now on your side doesn't mean that he needs to give in to your regrets. That's unfair to him.

If, however, you all got married and then he dropped the bombshell of "you can't live here for 2-3 months", then that makes him the "bad guy" in this scenario. The time for him to discuss with you that he wanted this unconventional arrangement was before you walked down the aisle.

One of you is being unfair to the other, and you two need to be able to talk that out or you'll be divorced again, to put it bluntly. What that discussion needs to look like is going to differ on which one of you was the catalyst for the current predicament.

There are also other issues that need to be worked out here as well, including why you and your kids moving in is such a problem before the addition is added. Does your DH expect you and your kids to hide away in that addition when his kid(s) is/are there? Are your children unruly and he knows that he'll have to devote a loy of time to working with you to uphold household rules and make sure they don't ruin things? Do his kids not like that he got married and he is mistakenly keeping you away thinking that it'll be easier to acclimate one and not both of his kids to you being there? Or, more sinister, he wants you homeless and under his roof past the point where you can get an annulment so that you're less likely to leave even though he knows his kids will be royal witches to you?

There's a lot here and it's not as simple as just when you move in together. You two likely need counseling to talk through these things sooner rather than later, and I'd highly recommend that you keep the money from the sale of your house stashed away as much as possible (minus whatever you owe for your half of improvements to the home you're moving into).

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't think the issue was that he is not ready for them to move in. That I would understand as the house isn't ready yet to accommodate them all. The issue is he is not even allowing her to bring her children over to have dinner and then leave go home. If the children are unruly, he has rights not to marry her but he prohibits minor children from visiting. How do you tell your spouse such a thing. It's degrading. What a jerk

tog redux's picture

Seriously. I'd be inclined to tell him I "need time to myself" when it's time for me to come over without the kids. Sorry, don't have time for you.

OP is giving this guy way too much power to make all the decisions.

lieutenant_dad's picture

She may very well be giving him too much power. But, giving him too much power doesn't make him wrong. If she agreed to the arrangement, and she continues to go over without her kids, that's on her, not him.

Also, he's a SP now, too. If we were hearing his side of this, which is that they have a set date to move in together and she is trying to move in sooner before there is space or whatever, many folks would likely say "yeah, I can see why you don't want a toddler and young child moving in any sooner when you're dealing with major construction on your home and launching a young adult". OP would look like the selfish one who just can't wait for a few weeks, or at the very least, people would empathize with the DH because no one would want their SKs living with them sooner than they need to.

tog redux's picture

I wouldn't say that. I'd ask why he married her if he didn't want to live with her children. 

I also didn't say that giving him all the power made HIM wrong, clearly that's on her. All she keeps posting is what HIS perspective is, and that his perspective is what will happen. 

Livingoutloud's picture

He said he doesn't want them to come over for dinner.

You don't think it's on him? Sure it is on her too marrying someone who possibly isn't who she thought he was. But him saying kids aren't allowed to visit is rude. In what books such rudeness is ok. Unless it's adult only not age appropriate event, spouses don't need permission for their young kids to be around. It's rude 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I don't disagree UNLESS that is what she agreed to. If she agreed to "no kids intermingling until the addition is done" then that's what she agreed to. I wouldn't agree to it because that seems stupid to me, but if she did, she needs to stick to what she agreed to.

Now, if she agreed and didn't really want to agree, then she needs to look into why she did that. That still doesn't make him a jerk - that makes her not ready for marriage.

I'm not willing to paint the guy as a bad guy just because OP isn't getting her way after she agreed that they'd not intermingle children before the addition was complete. If she didn't agree to that, then yeah, he's a jerk. But we don't know that piece yet.

Livingoutloud's picture

Lieutenant I wonder what makes you think it's ok for a husband to tell his wife not to bring her children around even for a short period of time. On what planet is that acceptable 

tog redux's picture

She's saying, I think, that if OP agreed to such treatment, then it's on her. I say he's still a jerk for even wanting to make that agreement in the first place.

Livingoutloud's picture

Sure but I somehow doubt that she agreed to her kids not allowed to be around her DH or if such thing was even discussed. It's common sense to have your minor kids with you when you marry. People have to discuss things but some things are just common sense.  


tog redux's picture

I totally agree - plus, things change. People agree to things that they later realize are unacceptable. She's asked 3 times and he's said no every time - not very willing to change, which is another red flag.

Disneyfan's picture

Perhaps the guy is having buyer's remorse. 

 He's 2 years away from being an empty nester.  Now he has made a choice that could have him raising kids for the rest of his life.  That's a scary realization for someone who was looking forward to having a kid free home.  All of his plans and dreams for the next stage of his life are going out the window because he feel in love with someone with little kids.  It sounds like the man loves the OP, but not her children (which is perfectly fine) and does not want them around ( which isn't fine). 

It looks like the kids are with the OP for a week and with their dad for a week.  The only time the OP is  allowed  to visit her husband (that sounds so crazy) is when her girls are with her ex.  Even though he only has his kids every other weekend, the OP can't stay during the week days when she has her kids.


I would hold off on everything for a bit until all of this was sorted.  While I know it's normal for some  SPs to not want SKs around(even well behaved ones), I would never have my kids live in that environment.


tog redux's picture

It all goes back to why they decided to get married if they weren't ready to live together. 

Livingoutloud's picture

If he has buyers remorse, proper thing would be to end it. Her kids live with her so if he is feeling he doesn't want young kids around, he must end it before she sells her house. 

When I was considering marrying again I didn't want men  with young kids. Total deal breaker. I'd not even consider one date whth them. If this man doesn't want kids around but strings a woman along allowing her to sell her house, he is not an honorable person. I'd put a stop to selling my house and cut my losses 


tog redux's picture

And marries her knowing he doesn't want her kids around! What was he thinking would happen here?

Disneyfan's picture

This is so common.  How many SMs married men with kids knowing they never wanted kids and/or do not want his kids around?

Why can't people that feel this way simply say I really like/love you but we can't continue this relationship?  Kids aren't going to just disappear. 

Livingoutloud's picture

What's your point? Nothing wrong with him saying I don't want to be with you because you have kids. That's not what he is doing though. He lets her sell her house, he isn't leaving but he sure rejecting her kids 

Yes some SMs do that too, but what's your point. Two wrongs don't make it right

Focused_onourlife's picture

The same thing!!! You look for any excuse to expose SM's on this site but you're no longer one, and sorry but you're  coming from a BM' POV which is not always a bad  thing,  except you never  support a SM (even if you once have been)  you seem to be level headed but it feels more like a  'no hcbm situation ' but got an issue with a SM's stance and their true feelings about SK's.  I get your point, there is some hypocrisy here and there on this site but in this case it's not warranted and I really don't see your point in asking this particular question.

Disneyfan's picture

My point is that both men and women fall in love with mothers and fathers and move forward with the relationship knowing darn well they don't want the kids around.

The crap the OP's husband is pulling on her IS WRONG.  

I just think it's silly to condemn at stepdad for making the same choice many stepmoms make.

I think the OP is setting herself and her children up for a painful life if she stays with this man.  She's a newlywed and the pain she's already feeling is clear.  


Focused_onourlife's picture

"I think the OP is setting herself and her children up for a painful life if she stays with this man.  She's a newlywed and the pain she's already feeling is clear". So instead of aiming in this SAME direction,  you ask "what do you call it when SM's feels the same" had nothing to do with OP's situation.  Like I said that particular statement wasn't warranted  in this post at all. I don't post or comment much because a lot of it is repetitive advice and someone usually say what I would, but this is a place for SP's to vent and that's what we do. However,  you only show up to repremend SP's or call them out. If you're going to be neutral be neutral. 


Livingoutloud's picture

Why are you bringing up some other irrelevant situations. Why can't you focus on what's happening here? How is this helpful for OP? 

Tiffany1111's picture

Wow, I am so surprised by the outpouring of responses and support. I have never posted on a forum but really needed some way to get some perspective. I'm going to give a few more details... We started dating in Oct 2018. Our first "date" was actually just me coming over and hanging out with him and his daughters. We had known eachother for a few months and I had met his daughters before and they were really excited for us to be hanging out. Things went really fast... we decided to be exclusive the first week, we said I love you, we talked about the future. Two weeks in, all 6 of us went out to eat together and it was magical. All the kids loved eachother and had chemistry like he and I did. Non-stop laughter and playing. We continued with me staying at his house when I didn't have my kids, he would come over for dinner and not stay over (we both felt this was best- at the time I slept with both of my girls) when I had my kids about 1 in 3 nights. About once a month we would do something with all 6 of us. That's just how it would work out with the alternating schedules. And always always, magic and happiness. Everyone seemed to be their happiest when we were all together. Even his daughters were nicer to eachother. It wasn't uncommon for all of us to end up in tickling/wrestling match piled on the couch. It was beautiful. But, he absolutely had commitment issues. He would talk about us living together one day and the next day he couldn't do it. He would freak out and break up with me. Then the next day beg for forgiveness. Our engagement was the day after Christmas and the result of yet another remorseful break-up. We went to counseling. He acknowledged his fears were keeping him from a happy life. I acknowledged my abandonment issues were making me demand more than he was ready for. Things got better, steadier. Then we just couldn't stand being in two houses any longer. We talked about eloping soon. We looked at houses but couldn't find anything we liked better than his house which is on 6 acres just outside the city on a beautiful curvy road. An addition seemed like the best fit for our future but we knew it would take 3 months. On top of this corona happened and with me as a realtor I had no health insurance and an unclear future for my career. We both got scared for my health, which by the way I had recently tested positive for some cancer markers but bc I didn't have insurance and corona took all the public health resources, I couldn't get a follow up appointment. So we eloped. We agreed that it was a good move to have that clear commitment before spending $50,000 and me selling my house. We planned the little ceremony a few days ahead of time. We had to get an "emergency" marriage license bc the courts were closed. We had to have 2 friends as witnesses and 1 friend as the officiant. It was very very intimate. We planned to do something later for my girls to be in the ceremony when we moved in but we did invite his daughters since they are older and it would keep things less stressful. But his oldest was upset that she was invited but she couldn't spend the night which was very strange. She did come over with her sister but then threw a fit and they both left. His youngest feeing neutral about the whole thing and just awkward bc her sister was throwing such a fit. I was sad too bc I have had a great relationship with both of them. Fast forward to a week later and his girls are home and I want to come over with my girls and he says no. I erupted, shocked. I never in a million years thought that this was something we needed to discuss before hand. He emphasized that NO ONE comes between him and his oldest. "She's not ready for all of this. She is dealing with a lot with her mom. She needs a safe haven with her Dad's full attention. She is leaving in a couple months and I'm losing her. And you are being selfish!" It was a huge fight which resulted in him caving I guess and inviting us over the next day- which again was an absolutely wonderful evening with everyone bonding. Then last week- the framing was going up and I texted him that I was bringing the girls out there to see it. They were extremely excited. I texted his daughters pictures and asked if they could come see it with us. His youngest couldn't come bc she was babysitting but his oldest came and she seemed sweet and excited. We were waiting for him to get home from work and we were all playing outside together and watching the framing get finished. He arrived after a very bad work day and we noticed a storm coming. The house was going to water in it. Things got stressful as the framers tarped the house the best they could. (Since it's an addition, part of the existing roof had to be removed.) Then the rain came and some water did get in the house. It was a mess. He was in a terrible mood. He hinted that we needed to leave and I said, well I was hoping we could stay for dinner - I could even cook... and he said he was exahsted and just wanted to hang out with this oldest. I felt so rejected again and left in a terrible thunderstorm. I was so hurt that he would even let us leave in that bad of a storm. I called him later to tell him how upset I was and I felt very wronged but he flat out felt I was in the wrong for "just showing up and expecting to stay for dinner". We tried to talk again the next day but never came to a resolution. I thought he heard how I get though and hoped it wouldn't happen again. But here we are, he did it again yesterday and he tells me that I am crazy and selfish for trying to push in on his last few nights alone with his daughter. 

shamds's picture

he’s like an unstable yoyo in all kinds of directions. A spouse or partner should be your rock and help keep you stable, your kids need stability...they deserve that.

Then he chucks a hissy fit after you are husband and wife how selfish it is of you to expect to stay over and have dinner?? Wtf?? This isn’t normal and you know it!!

then he says no one comes between him and his eldest!! That right there says you will never be a priority in his life. A great man can and will juggle his priorities. Sometimes the priority is his wife, other times ot might be the kids...

what happens if say you get pregnant and in labor, eldest daughter has some imaginary crisis... going by what he said, you would be left to fend for yourself, go to hospital alone, labor and deliver alone whilst he catered to unimportant imaginary bs of his eldest and god forbid you tell him off and he will call you selfish... thats the image you should have of how things will be.

no woman in her right mind would put up with that... plenty of us are dealing with way more stress than him during coronavirus 


tog redux's picture

Yeah, he kinda wants to be half-married - have his cake and eat it too.

I'd suggest couples' counseling, and stat.

Winterglow's picture

An 18 yo who doesn't understand that a newlywed couple wants to be alone for their wedding night? Wait a minute, she wouldn't be one of those teens who thinks that nobody over the age of 25 has sex, would she? 

Livingoutloud's picture

Your husband told you to leave? Wow. Is he generally speaking very controlling and kind of mean? Why did he get married if he doesn't want his wife to be around? Can you put a stop to your house being sold? You are signing up for a life of pain 

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't even think it's an issue of a stepfamily. It's an issue of marrying a mean spirited controlling man. If not step kids, it would be his parents or friends or wotk. You'll never be a priority.  

Cover1W's picture

After reading OPs last information I agree. He's not got his "wife" as a priority. At all. He doesn't consider himself married and a relationship is beyond him. OP think twice about this.

Tiffany1111's picture

Oh and I should add that he does love my girls. He plays with them a ton and he understands them better than I do I guess bc he has been there. He is very observant and considerate towards them and they adore him. They are very well behaved but I guess bc they love eachother and they are little kids, they do pull his attention away from his daughters. His oldest also plays with them a lot and is very affectionate to them. She will sit on the couch and cuddle up with and watch anything they want. The result is that he and his daughters are not cuddled up, they are segregated. I don't know I guess I understand that it is hard for him to be "loosing" his daughter - and yes also "loosing" the freedom that he could have had as a single empty nester but I don't understand his actions. He is just being terribly mean. I'm glad that you all are supporting me in putting my foot down and believing there is a better way to balance all of your loved ones needs. But leaving him is not an option. I truly didn't know that love like this existed. We have a profound connection and we are generally extremely happy together. Life without him would be absolutely devestating to me. I need another option. I need the right words, or a compromise. 

tog redux's picture

I'd demand couples' counseling. But remember OP, abusive people aren't abusive all the time, that's what keeps people hanging in there. Not saying he's abusive, but in the greatest love that ever existed, you should not feel your partner is ever "terribly mean". Not ever. 


Livingoutloud's picture

I wouldn't want to be married to a terribly mean person. I don't care how much in love I am. And if he is in love with you as you are with him he'd not dare to tell you to leave or not bring kids over. Not a loving man actions. Are you being dickmarized? Infatuated? You won't be the first woman being so madly in love that she'll allow disrespect and mistreatment. Until it blows in her face.

my DH is also the love of my life. He is by leaps and bounds better than any men I knew. He is NEVER unkind to me or my DD or to anyone else. Trust me your DH is not the greatest love there  is. Not by a long stretch 


Focused_onourlife's picture

I'm not saying to leave him, OP, but your Husband has had you on an emotional rollercoaster your entire relationship. Calling it off one day and begging for forgiveness the next day. And for what, because you demand respect and love? Your relationship sounds so one sided imho. I think you need to re-evaluate this whole marriage or get to marriage counseling asap. It does,  however,  sound like you are trying to put your foot down but when you do, you're met with rebuttal (gaslighting)and meanness (manipulation). Just please take care of you and your little precious girls first.

shamds's picture

He should be thrilled that everyone is getting along and being 1 cohesive unit. Do you know how many of us stepparents have been fighting for a stable harmonious home life from unruly skids, guilty/disney parent syndrome??

he should be proud seeing his daughters being so nurturing and affectionate with your kids because it shows he did his parenting job right...

he shouldn’t be calling you selfish, telling you that you have no place in his home 

Disneyfan's picture

This man never wanted to be married.  You should not have to talk, plead, counsel...someone into marriage. Just because someone gets along with kids and even loves them, doesn't mean they want to live with kids.  It doesn't mean he will ever view your kids as part of his family. 

You seem to have this idea that you all will be a big happy family of 6.  He is showing you that it will be a family of 4 adults with your 2 little ones tossed in from time to time.  And all of that is contingent upon what his older daughter wants /feels at any given time.

On top of all of that, he's mean to you.

There's nothing wrong with realizing that things moved extremely quickly and that you may have made a mistake.

Survivingstephell's picture

Stop chasing him and see if he chases you.  Stop all communication with him and see what he does.  My first thought after reading your updates is that he acts like a boarderline personality person. The push and pull, all or nothing treatments. Men do have it but they typically don't behave like a women with it.  ( my ex acts like this ).  Put the love feelings aside and look at how he treats you.  Actions speak louder than words.  He has serious issues. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Lots of good advice here. I just want add my two cents: SLOOOW DOOOWN! You sound as if you're so in love with this man that you can't think critically. You've known this guy less than two years, and you both have rushed every step of the relationship. Yet you say he has commitment issues.Then, you rushed to marry (for health insurance, I get it), but now you're hurt because he's not behaving like a normal newlywed. Good relationships are not supposed to be so hard.

Something isn't right here, maybe several somethings. But the worst thing you could do at this time would be to move in with this man. There's simply too much not known, not understood, and not resolved between you. This is supposed to be the honeymoon period, but neither of you are on the same page. You don't know what's going on with him or his daughter, and again, this is because you've rushed things. Neither of you have done the work to prepare your kids and your lives for blending, because you've rushed things. 

Successfully blending families requires a slow, methodical approach, with lots of communication along the way. It's complicated stuff, because there are so many moving parts. Because you're both parents, each of you should be concerned about your bios interests, and how well they're adjusting. You and your H have skipped a lot of steps, and there's a cost to that. Frankly, you both sound impulsive.

You should be thinking of your daughters, and how to give them the most stable childhood possible. From what you've shared, this relationship has been high on attraction but difficult and unstable. I really hope you'll decide to take a step back and continue living apart for a while. Prioritize your kids, while seeing where things go with this man, and only combine households when there's been a minimum of two years of stable behavior from him.

Livingoutloud's picture

I reread your posts and now see this situation much clearer. 

He doesn't want to be commited let alone married. He broke up with you many times during courtship (wtf???). And then he married you in a rush because you were sick and had no health insurance 

sadly this marriage won't last and trust me that's not how the greatest love looks. Not at all. This is a dysfunctional unstable relationship from the beginning 

please put a stop to the whole house selling business and stay put. You and your children deserve better 

Ispofacto's picture

"I truly didn't know that love like this existed."

That's the oxytocin talking.  This isn't love, it's lust.  Real love is patient, kind, and steady.