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And so it begins...

BSgoinon's picture

SS had paperwork sent home from school last week about 8th grade graduation. It informed parents that each kid gets 4 tickets and what time they will be graduating, since there are 2 sessions.
BM has not mention graduation to SS once. Hasn't asked for a ticket, hasn't mentioned ANYTHING. I wasn't even certain she knew there was a ceremony to be honest. Because she is a special brand of stupid.

Anyway, we ask SS who he wants to invite. We have 8 tickets because DD is graduating too. DH will be on a work trip. So we have 4 tickets left after me, my mom, my ex and oldest DD. He says "gma and gpa (BM's dad and stepmom) and gma S and Uncle M (BM's mom and Bm's brother). I say "are you sure"? Yes... that's it. Ok.

I left it alone for a few days and then asked again, but I was blunt about it this time. "Are you SURE you don't want to invite your mom". His answer, though he is always mature about this stuff, surprised me. He said "I talked to her for a minute today on the phone. I heard someone in the background talking over her, being really loud and obnoxious. I asked who it was and she said "oh, that's meth man". I kinda yelled at her, asking her why she is still hanging out with him. She tells me he has changed, but it doesn't matter to me if he has changed. I don't think he has, but even if he did, she still wanted to be with him instead of be a mom, and I'm still mad at her for that. She's never going to change. I don't want her there".

Ok buddy. I understand.

So... I called her stepmom and told her the date and time and let her know that as of right now SS doesn't want BM there. She says they won't say anything to her about it (not sure I believe that, but whatever).

This past weekend SS had a baseball tournament. BM's dad and stepmom were there, per usual. I was talking to her stepmom and she tells me that BM went to the school (mind you, she still hasn't just ASKED SS if she can have a ticket. Hasn't asked him ANYTHING about Grad) anyway, she went in to the school and asked them if they would give her a ticket. They told her no. That the tickets go to the kids. There is nothing they can do for her. Apparently they said she can check back the day of graduation and see if there are any left over, but that never happens.

I told her stepmom, if she shows up and SS doesn't want her there, she is going to make things worse with him. He will be angry with her. But, I suppose she will have to learn that on her own. Stepmom said "he's completely embarrassed of her, he doesn't want his friends to see her the way she is now". (saying this because he wouldn't even walk next to her at the mall last time they were together). I just said, regardless, he is angry with her, and that wouldn't help at all.

Part of me hopes she does actually show up, it would be nice to see SOME sort of actual effort. But we all know that won't happen. I guess she told her dad and stepmom that she is just going to wait and see if DH and I "do the right thing" and give her a ticket. It's not up to us. Those are SS's tickets. He decides.


twoviewpoints's picture

You already did "the right thing", you asked SS what he wants to do with HIS four tickets. You asked twice to be sure.

Now it either stands as is or someone who received one of the child's tickets I suppose could give it up. In the chance that one of them consider it, I really hope they also consider very seriously that the child, himself, does want his mother there.

You can't control what the given away ticket persons do, but I do think you can certainly remind them that this is the child's choice and they should respect the child's decision.

Maxwell09's picture

I'd be kind of mad if I specifically told the ticket holders SS didn't want her there only to find out they went ahead and told her and she's scouting for tickets.

BSgoinon's picture

I don't think they told her. I think she saw on facebook some of the other moms asking each other if they have extras. The paperwork that was sent home has triggered a lot of buzz apparently.

ntm's picture

My niece was valedictorian of her high school class. She was terrified that her father would somehow find out when she was graduating and show up and embarrass her. None of us went running to him to tell him. She made her wishes quite clear. Since then she has graduated from an Ivy League school and gotten married. He knows nothing. When and if she wants him to know anything about her life, she will let him know.

How insensitive of an adult to override the child's wishes. It smells of trying to create trouble where there was none. And to make you and DH out to be the bad guys.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I think the difference in this has to do with wish being made. For your child there is no option of not spending time with their dad.
This child was asked what they wanted and shows the maturity to make the decision. There for it would be disrespect for the adults to then just ignore it.

Me and my SO are currently talking about this stuff right now. Sometime's the kids have a choice sometimes they don't. If they make a choice and we don't like it as long as it's not harmful then we respect it. They were given the choice what do you teach them if you then say "nope don't care". You're teaching them that what they think doesn't really matter and that they need to shape their choices to make someone else happy.

My sister had given me money to buy the kids Easter baskets last month. With her permission we instead used it on clothes.
I requested that SO get a pair of gray shots for son. He then asked son to pick a pair. Though I was upset because son of course chose a different color I respected his choice and had a discussion with SO later about having given him the choice.

Yes I could have put down my foot and said no but then I would have undermined his father and that wasn't something I wanted him to see. Not over shorts.
We as adults need to think of the choices we give children before asking. That's why we don't ask the children "do you want to go home to mom's now" because it's not their choice if your not going to follow through if the say the wrong thing.

BSgoinon's picture

She won't be getting a ticket from any of the people that are being given tickets. I know this for a fact for 2 reasons. First, everyone involved (all of his grandparents and uncle) respect his wishes 100%. They may occasionally encourage him to have more of a relationship with BM, but they would never cross the line and force something he doesn't want, because they all know that will push SS away from them and he will no longer want to spend time with them. Also, because I am keeping the tickets in my possession until the morning of the Graduation. They will meet me there to get them. I just wouldn't hand one to her. Simple.

If she wants to TRY to get a ticket she will have to ask the school office if there are any extra's. Which there never are.