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Scarring SS14 for Life.

Pecanflower's picture


DH has MS. So when things work well enough for sexy time to happen, we take advantage of that time. Usually, it's in the morning. And Usually SS14 is awake. Oh well. LOL

Saturday morning, DH left the bedroom straight into the accusing face of SS14.

"I am sure I don't EVEN have to ask...But just what were you guys doing in there?"
"Well, if you don't have to ask, then you know. Do you want details?"
"Gross! NO!"
"Then don't ask."

I come out of the bedroom. "Hey, SS14?! You wondering about what we were doing?"
"NO! I heard the bed...I KNOW what you were doing...That is like the 5th time you guys have done that, you know."

I started laughing and couldn't stop. He's counting. My job here is done.


ChiefGrownup's picture

"5th time!!!!" Hahahahahahaha!!!! }:) }:) }:)

Pecanflower's picture

No...Fifth time since he came to the realization that his parents actually have the sex. LOL Not that morning. Oh good Lord! If my husband even finishes ONE time we consider it cause to celebrate and hold a parade. LOL.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yes, my laufhter is over the fact that little punk thinks you've only done it 5 times AND that he's been keeping track for that long before he sprang up in indignation. Don't most kids who make this discovery have an instantaneous reaction/confrontation (if at all)? Wouldn't most kids just squawk on the spot? not count up five times then squawk?

Anyhow, it's very funny!

ntm's picture

Why is he even making it any of his business? Now you guys have to bounce up and down on the bed every morning that he's there.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Ah! I did not know that little detail! My ss is also autistic but he's quite oblivious to this kind of thing.

One time, when dh and I were up to actually nothing at all, SS muttered something about us "mating." We both looked at him jaws on floor and assured him we were doing nothing more than talking.

The thing is that word is used in one of his favorite video games (don't get me started) where you can create your own genetically designed herd of cartoon creatures. SS happens to love this genetic planning and drawing out the Mendelian charts, etc. I'm sure he has no concept whatsoever of what human people do that cartoon creatures in his game do not when it comes to that word.

And SD17? well, her room is at the far end of the hall. }:)

ESMOD's picture

My ysd still tells us about the time her mom got drunk with her boyfriend and did it in the same room when they were on vacation. Lol

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol that is awesome.

once kaos asked us "what picture were you hanging up last night in your room?" Wink