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Now SS is joining in

ETexasMom's picture

SS and I used to have a decent relationship but occasionally he feeds into his SDs' drama. Since disengaging the Steps are starting to turn their crazy on DH which is great for me! Background: DH and I have been together 10+ years now and my kiddos were all younger when we got together his were already in their teens. SDs are currently on a campaign to not include me in "family" events.

We're currently out of town for my son's boot camp graduation. A once in a lifetime event where he completed boot camp for the Army and officially becomes a solider. We haven't seen him in 10 weeks and after today won't get to see him for another 10-14 weeks while he's in advanced training. So Tuesday we drove 8 hours so we could be here for family day (yesterday) and graduation (today). We get to visit with him a few hours each day. Well unfortunately yesterday was also OSGS' birthday (OSD's son) and the steps had a family dinner at a restaurant. It wasn't a milestone birthday.

Well i guess they spent the dinner trashing me because DH chose to go to my son's military graduation instead of staying home for the birthday dinner. SS starts texting DH last night. Thank god I was at the hotel pool when all this went down! I came back to room and dh tells me what happens. First SS starts texting DH about how I have his ba$$ and how dare he leave town instead of being at his grandson's birthday party and basically telling him to "man up" and quit following me around. DH got pissed! Told SS to man up and quit hiding behind text. So SS called and seems he started trying to chew dh out complaining about everything from DH working overtime and spending the money on me (I make more then DH) to DH daring to leave town. SS complained I keep DH from his kids and what a horrible person I am. Thankfully DH didn't follow along with it. He said he told SS that he was a grown man who did what he wanted and that I'm the one that actually pushes him to have a relationship with the Steps. He reminded him that he invited them to Easter at our house and they declined and they were the ones that told him he couldn't bring his wife to Christmas so he stayed home.

Seems the convo went on for a while with SS complaining about everything he could think of and finally then saying that he was stuck in the middle of DH and SDs. Of course he ended the convo with putting SGD on the phone to try to soften DH up. Honestly I had never seen DH so mad at the kids when I came back to the room. I'm glad it's finally his turn to see how they act!!!

sammigirl's picture

Now that is great news!

SD56 did the same thing to me at our SGS31's memorial services (he passed 1 yr. ago of cancer). DH decided he didn't feel well enough to travel 2 hours to the services, so we did not attend. SD56 proceeded to trash me to anyone that would listen, at the services.

I was to blame, because we did not attend. Of course I would have taken DH, if he had wanted to go. SS58 and DIL knew it was DH that didn't want to attend their son's services; that is all I cared about.

I'm glad to hear your DH stands his ground on this issue. My DH doesn't say anything when I'm present, but now I know he has taken a stand with it, the past two years. The reason I know, most of it has stopped and I believe he nips it, only not where I can hear or see it.

As long as I am not hearing the gossip and as long as my SD56 and SGD31 (mother/daughter) leave me alone and stay away from me, I'm good with it all.

It is a good feeling to know that your DH is supporting you. Just sit back and enjoy the shelter.

enuf's picture

Etexas I hate to blow your bubble, do you think he will remember what transpired between himself and ds a week from now, or the next time they try throwing you under the bus?

In my case, my ex had a very short memory regarding his ds48. For instance, ss blew all $200,000 my ex had given him for his retirement years due to his alcoholism. One time he took all his roommates in the rehab housing he was living out to get drunk on ex's credit card. As a result, everyone including ss were booted out of the housing. A year later, as his ss proclaimed he had recovered my ex gives him a credit card and then puts money in checking account and gives his ds the debit card for it, as it is important that ss has two different debit cards, in case one does not work. Mind you, I have never had two debit cards. Ss has not worked in close to 3-4 years, but ex needs to make sure he has $$$ to spend. I am sure that ss has also gotten smarter about not charging bar tabs on credit card so that ex can see the charge.

My ex has two SUV's, one that I drove, as we just recently divorced. I asked if I could buy it from him, his response was "no" it is for my ds. Mind you when ss was an alcoholic he cut his seat belts off and kept on wrecking his car. Enabling behavior, at its highest!! It is rather sickening how short term memory works when one is enmeshed.

I certainly hope your dh remembers all that he said and sticks to his gun.

notasm3's picture

What is the deal with parents demanding attendance at their children's birthday parties? Is it just a gift grab? I thought kids enjoyed parties with other kids not their parents' or grandparents' contemporaries.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

And how likely are they to reciprocate and celebrate DH's or SM's birthday?

Life happens, we are all busy and have multiple relationships and responsibilities to juggle. To use a previous commitment as an excuse to spread venom and make war is pathetic.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I don't know what it is about some men that makes them so suggestible and easily manipulated. It's certainly annoying.

Early on in my disengagement, I could tell whenever DH had spent time with the in-laws, as he would come home resentful and parroting some of their enabling nonsense. Once, he tried to tell me that I was the common denominator in his failed relationships with his kids. That really hurt, but I pointed out that he was also a common denominator and free to see his kids but didn't. It was a pattern that continued until he too disengaged.

Your DH did a great job of combating the poison and alienation tactics. He stood up for himself and you, which is awesome! Don't you just love how when we step out of the way, these men get to experience their brats' ugliness full force?

CANYOUHELP's picture

That is too funny ExJulie... I can tell when HB has talked on the phone about me with his grown darlings, he likes to call girls at 50 years old ... He will use this juvenile language (they seriously act like 7th graders), that is not any part of his vocabulary and completely out of his character. They especially like to describe me with terminology related to SNL's various skits depicting horrible, evil step mothers.

One even texted me the name of one of the worst skits -- then claimed it was an accident, meant for another friend. I did not know what it meant at all...but they we rerunning some SNL stuff...and, sure enough...the exact name...texted to me....check out...SNL "Everybody Getting Something for Christmas."Well, let's just say....the step really the world's most selfish, immoral and horrible person.

I got the message from them-- long before the "accidental" text, trust me.

Text messages were immediately blocked by me after I saw that clip on TV.

I never said anything to HB, as I would be the blame or crazy if I did. It is not worth my emotion now.

CANYOUHELP's picture

This site has been so good for me, with all of us...many of us in almost or somewhat the same position. It has given me confidence in my decision to remove myself from people I cannot win over, regardless of anything I do--or do not do. The hard part of me is I am not a quitter, but this one thing I have to quit and can now celebrate I did.

I am so thankful for all the advise shared.

enuf's picture

Exjulie that statement is so profound. Why do we play the game of treating sks like they are normal people? I wish I would have treated my ss48 like the piece of turd that he is. That way at least I would have the satisfaction of not feeling that I tried really hard to please a turd and that a turd won in my relationship with dh. It really is hard to lift one self from that low blow. All I can pray for is that karma does its bit with those two and that it bites hard!!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I laughingly say that my life got a whole lot better when I gave up all hope.

By that I mean that I ate a lot of excrement and accepted mistreatment because I always had that hope that things would get better someday. Someday...the teen years are always difficult, right? And then the skids were young adults, but surely someday, when they mature, things will improve? And then it was, well, she's a newlywed, well, she's a busy parent now...And all the time I was bending over backwards to be kind, helpful, generous and supportive in the hope that one day, the skids would recognize my efforts and appreciate me...

Until I evolved enough to see that I had to accept what IS, and adjust my sails accordingly. I accept that both skids are disordered, and that DH's family is dysfunctional. I accept that my DH is a crappy dad but a great partner, and I accept that I have issues with codependency and my FOO that drove me to chase after these people for acceptance.

You've been through an awful lot, but now you can be completely selfish and work on healing. Introspection will come in time, and when you feel like beating yourself up, remember this:

Your ex and his son were damaged, twisted, sick and enmeshed long before you ever knew them. You were the healthiest member of the cast, the sanest, the best. You're free while they are stuck with each other.

Stepdrama11's picture

Oh....exactly what you said. All of it. One SD who meets the criteria for BPD. One SS who is an alcoholic. One SS GF who is a flaming Narcissist and who enjoys killing things. Animal abuse in all corners. And a wonderful DH, who is trying his hardest not to see any of it. I give up.

CANYOUHELP's picture

For me, I knew the time came when I started changing into a person around them...I just am not. I was afraid to say anything, as it was like being with a group of vultures looking for any word to chew upon, even so innocently. When I said nothing, the insults and crude remarks escalated on to FB, my daughter, my HB and making remarks directly to me, about me and laughing in harmony. HB refuses to correct the behavior even when they are insulting him!

Had I known...My serious attempts to please them only haunt me now. .... But, at least I can say I tried. As my mother told me four years ago, "That situation is hopeless."

You may think you can play the game, but you only waste your time-- there was never any game to play at all for some of us.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

"Had I known...My serious attempts to please them only haunt me now. .... But, at least I can say I tried. As my mother told me four years ago, "That situation is hopeless."..."

I understand, truly. When I think back on of all the sacrifices I made, the time and $$$ wasted...Ugh. All for people that I wouldnt normally associate with, anyway. But I wanted to assimilate and to be part of a family. My motives were pure, the skids', not so much.

To get back to the OP's post, what's great is that her DH has a spine, a low tolerance for b.s., and is willing to correct his kids - at least the males, anyway.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Julieex, I understand the emotional and financial sacrifices with NO gratitude at all, might as well have thrown cash to strangers. It would have been better appreciated, I am certain.

Same here, thinking back I should have picked up quicker than I did, there were signs. I tried not to believe --- one red flag after another, until it was in my face and all were laughing at me. I tried to believe my HB who always came up with some BS excuse (and, I eventually caught him lying to me to make them look better than reality several times). For sometime I willfully swallowed it up....just depressing that I believed him telling me this and that--his idle attempt to keep me slaving for the entire bunch.

He is a wonderful man in so many ways and other than having to be with them or discussing them--we have zero problems. Disengaging is my only alternative.

Hello, come in...

CANYOUHELP's picture

I did not realize how important it was, until the HB support was nonexistent. He does not even defend himself against insults. I am thrilled for anybody who has a supportive spouse, in a successful blended family, it is an essential component long term. The OP is fortunate, indeed.

enuf's picture

Yes, she is fortunate that her dh defended her. Not once did my dh defend me. The very sad thing is that he sees himself as an alpha male and struts around like one. I guess his ego was inflated because he protected a middle aged man against his dw. He would always tell me that "he had to protect his ds from me", I have never raised my voice to his ds, to the contrary his ds would raise his voice at me. I guess I must have come across like a super duper woman with great powers.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I have an HB exactly as you describe Enuf....Alpha and all. But, when push comes to shove, he checks out. I am nobody when they are around, so enough of this bs. He even walks ahead with one of them, leaving me behind (when I told him to NEVER leave me alone with any of them--learned that lesson too). Hard to believe it is okay for them to raise voices to you or ridicule me, and they sit there just allowing it to happen...some alpha male type--with no testosterone.

Never again...

There is peace in staying away for both of us...we made our own peace!

notsobad's picture

"He even walks ahead with one of them, leaving me behind"

Long before I met DH I dated a guy who had a teenaged daughter. They did this to me in a mall and so I sat down and watched how far they made it before he realized I wasn't with them anymore.
It was so far that I lost sight of them.
He came running back to me and asked if I was okay, was anything wrong? Nope but we are done. See ya. I took a cab home from the mall.
We'd only been dating for about a month and I'd only just met his daughter that day. It was supposed to be the day that she got to know me and I felt so left out that I knew it would never work.
We went on one more date where I told him I wasn't going to be second fiddle and he said his daughter was the most important person in the world to him.
It was all very amicable and adult, he even insisted on paying for dinner that night. I never saw him again.

hereiam's picture

Yes, it shows in every one of your posts today (that you are angry). Write a blog about it, maybe we can help. Smile

still learning's picture


DH and I used to fight because he'd say that ss30 needed protection from me. I was so confused, new to the SM role and had no idea what in the he11 was going on. Guess I had the gall to tell DH that ss could not live here, use our futon as a flop pad or fill our entire downstairs w/his storage crap. Oh yes I'm so abusive.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

My DH is also an alpha, a man's man who has worked in law enforcement for many years.

But he is a complete nonparent and was brought up by a father who valued daughters over sons and an alcoholic mother. He was powerless and pushed aside as a kid, and I think that's the role he still accepts when dealing with his family.

enuf's picture

Ah, the walking ahead with his ds was typical of my ex. I hated that. The strange thing, and maybe some of you might have some strong opinions of the following comment. My ex is not an attractive man, he is obese 350+lbs and 5'5", bald, does not shower every day, when I was lucky maybe every 4th day, at his worse when he was angry at me a month or so, he insisted on washing his own clothes and he would wear the same thing for a week.

He was not always like that, but as he got older, he just did not care, but still he strutted. I think because he has money, it has allowed him the liberty of not caring. He even took my dog to the vet, a dog I had for 7 years, to have him put to sleep when I was away because he did not like him. Fortunately, the vet refused. I ended up giving him away for fear of his life.

Still, I was the committed wife. It makes me sick to my stomach to come to this point of my life and realize what a big mistake I have made. I hate him and his ds. There I have finally said it!!! Will I post this? Yes!

moeilijk's picture

My heavens, enuf, that is just too much for anyone to live with. How terrible! I'm so glad you're away and have a chance to be free now. I'm so sorry you went through that.

Thumper's picture

First of all and MOST importantly Congratulations to your son for making it thru Boot Camp. Its not easy and only the best walk thru the gates!!

I guess all that I can say and chances are we may be around the same age Wink that enough of this junk surly is enough, isn't it.

There seems to come a time with all of our experiences behind us that we sooner or later say "Since you cant seem to act decent, be decent and treat us with respect---don't bother, just don't bother. Just stop already and WE WANT and deserve peace".

Of course you and your husband would attend this once in a life time achievement for Christmas Sake your boy, now a man, is going to defend their freedom and our country during very difficult times.

JESUS MARY JOSEPH and the kid told his father, Your husband, to MAN UP---ok then. WOW I can tell you what my husband would do with that remark.

If my siblings ever told my Dad to "MAN UP" my father would have disowned him/her and never spoke to them again.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is such an important point. You son is putting his life on hold to serve and protect this country. That trumps watching a kiddie smear cake any day. There's simply no comparison.

ETexasMom's picture

Thank you! We're really proud of him! DH has been in his life for over 10 years and has always been supportive of him so it was a big deal for him to be there too.

CANYOUHELP's picture

How old is this man Enuf? He is a ex, right? He cannot possibly be in good health....Sorry about your dog, how inhumane of him and perceptive of the vet too. it all adds up over time.

enuf's picture

He is now 72 years old. He says he will probably not live long due to his weight. His ds is 48, also obese, single, has only had one female relationship in his life. He divorced me in May.

CANYOUHELP's picture

He will probably not live father had heart problems and as I recall something about showering made it hard for him to breathe and I remember my mom staying on him to take a shower, take a shower.But, there are cleaning cloths etc., so there is just no good excuse for wearing the same clothes and eating yourself into an early death.

Sounds like you were a very compassionate wife who tried to make it all work for a long time with everybody and little/nothing reciprocated; given what I have read in your postings. Interesting that this idiot would divorce you with death practically knocking at this door.

Is there family money that skids were making him ensure only followed heirs?

Are you still together--in any type of relationship? Seems you may be, but not certain to what degree...

enuf's picture

I very rarely made comments about his ds. One time he was complaining because he was on a date and the woman's family was pestering them with calls. He got angry and then he starting pestering his df with calls while dh and I were on vacation. This is the only time I said anything about ss and I told dh that "he is acting like a baby". That was it, you would have thought that I said his ds was a murderer". My dh looked at me, told me he "hated" me and when we got back he was filing for divorce. Which he did. You see I was never, ever, supposed to say anything about ss other than things that would glorify him.

This last time, I complained because he went to spend time with him, when I was leaving for out of town. Again, that was it. Dh had to keep me in check. He refused to talk to me on the phone and sent me emails which only escalated his anger. Had to teach me a lesson for complaining and he filed for divorce.

My wish is that he wakes up one morning and realizes how much his ds has controlled his life. The alpha male image will go down the drain when that happens. One of the comments my ex would always tell me is the his son is the "bane of his existence" and it is very true. He realizes it, and still he has made him the primary relationship in his life. It is a parasitical relationship.

still learning's picture

"..telling him to "man up" and quit following me around."

Sure SS, right after you "man up" and quit following YOUR wife around.

ldvilen's picture

Really! See, even adult stepkids do not get that SM and dad are husband and wife, and that dad actually has a mind of his own. Yep. Evil SM is manipulating and controlling dad every day with the mind control dust that she sprinkles on his cereal every morning.

Good for your DH: "He said he told SS that he was a grown man who did what he wanted and that I'm the one that actually pushes him to have a relationship with the Steps." Every SM should have that printed on a slip of paper and put it in with stepkids' Christmas cards (or etc.) this coming season. I think a lot of SKs would be amazed how often rather than SM trying to keep them apart, she is actually the main one keeping any kind of relationship with dad going.

Seems like some SKs go around assuming that dad is just an extension of their mom/BM, even many many years after the divorce. In reality, they have no recognition that dad is his own person, and if they really valued him and his opinion, they would seek it out rather than just assuming that what they want or BM wants is what dad wants too.

Wink Also suggest you get a wad of return address labels that say Mr. & Mrs. X and Y TexasMom. Put them on anything you can. Really. DH and I have been married for 16 years now, and he still tends to refer to me by my first name in front of them, despite the fact that I discussed with him a couple of years back that one of the thangs we could do to show his adult SKs that, Yes, we are married, was for me to call him hubby or dear and for him to call me honey or wife. I don't think you can underestimate how easy it is for adult SKs to go around with some sort fantasy in their heads that dad is still 100% owned, and I do mean owned, by BM and them.