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Step Abyss

LochnessStepMonster's picture

My old computer committed suicide and I have lost everything associated with the device. That being said I just created a new account.

From our last episode of "Why the F$ck Did I Do This" Duh was living in the shed, we were in constant arguments and noting in general could go right. What has changes for our antiheroes?

Counseling. Dh has accepted the fact that a lot of what has happened in his life is his own doing and it will take his own doing to change it. He can't and won't blame me for his issues and he will fix them himself.

I have accepted the fact that he just has to do his own thing without me low key critiquing it to oblivion. He doesn't have to do everything the exact way I would do it and that's fine. If left to his own devices he can and will figure it out.

Life as been peaches and thorns for the most part. Not too many thorns and just enough peaches to make life sweet.

But if that is true why am I here? Lil Dahmer, that's why. July is our especial time with her where she poops rainbows and vomits sunshine and we have to roll around in it appreciatively. Actually it has only been like that since Tuesday.

DH instituted an 8 PM bedtime and it has been going over well until recently. As all kids do they ask to stay up late. On weekends I'm fine with that but I guess she got used to it. So despite her mom not existing this whole month except on Sunday, Dahmer breaks down in tears saying she misses her mom. And when I say break down I mean she really gave it to us. I was in the laundry room, DH outside mowing grass when I heard the biggest sobs ever coming from the bathroom where Dahmer was taking a shower. It was so extreme that I jumped up the stairs and nearly broke the (flimsy) bathroom door thinking she had fallen down in the shower. Her cries were that alarming.

I almost ripped the curtain open but something was off. I ask, Dahmer, what's wrong?" cue choked sobs but the answer was I miss my mom. WTeverlovingF?!

DH is now behind me. I find out later that I knocked down a really heavy microwave I had been pulling apart for my aunt so that caused DH to run in to see what was wrong with me. When he didn't see me he did hear Dahmer and came to see what was going on. Once he hears Dahmer he says he will take over.

They talk and make a plan for Dahmer to call her mom when she gets out the shower. But Dahmer is still balling her eyes out. She is brushing her teeth, balling. Brushing her hair, balling. Pulling out her bed, balling. Putting away dirty laundry, balling.

She calls her mom and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse THE REAL TEARS start flowing. Dh just closed the door behind him as she talks to her mom but we can still hear everything that's being said. Dahmer is asking her mom to come get her. After BM says no a few times Dahmer gets adamant and says what are you doing, you come get me right now. This continues for about 30 minutes and I tell DH its time to end this call. To BMs credit, I don't think she was feeding much into Dahmer's story.

Dh ends the call and tried to comfort Dahmer but she is calling out to her mom on the phone. DH talks to BM and I can hear Dahmer still crying. Seeing as I am not that evil I did try to go comfort her but I knew I couldn't do much because I'm not her mom. I wasn't who she wanted and I approached the problem just like that. She starts breathing some and she lays down.

The next day happens (yesterday) and all seemed well. I knew what the issue was the night before but I kept it to myself wince all was well that day. Until of course bed time again. We had been out a while and told Dahmer that she would have some dinner then start getting ready for bed. Like the day before it had been an awesome day. We are still in the car when she announces that she is about to cry. Dh asked why. She misses her mom. I don't even acknowledge it. We get home and now her face is red and she is sniffling. I just go downstairs. For some reason the laundry just has so many stains that need to be pretreated. Unfortunately I can still hear and see everything that is going on. She sits in front of the TV picking at her chicken. Her stomach hurts. She sniffles some more. She misses her mom. Sniffles turn into huffs and gasps for breath. Dh wants to know what's wrong.

I *hiccup* MISS *gasp choke*

SD stop it right now. (me now). We are not doing this tonight. We all know you just don't want to go to bed. You are going to eat your dinner, tell your father you love him, call your mom, then go to bed. Am I perfectly 100% clear on the events for the rest of the night?

Yes, ma'am.

And I don't want to hear one more sniffle.

I go back to this super stained laundry. Dh follows. Hey, what's the problem? So we just didn't witness the escalation here that happened yesterday and tried to happen tonight?

I mean why did you say all that? DH don't act like we both don't see what is happening. He drops the subject.

Dh has to work today as soon as I get off leaving me to watch Dahmer which had not been a problem until this week. She has succeeded for the past two days in staying up past her bedtime. Today she will be getting ready at 6:30 for bed and her head is slapping that pillow at 8 pm on the dot.


LochnessStepMonster's picture

I'm going to have to do this. The whole bed time only cropped up because last year we had all these crying issues with her. She would cry for hours and because DH worked everyday I had to hear it. Not this year. No thanks.

LochnessStepMonster's picture

Yep, we are moved!!!!! I'm working on the room. We are having a heat wave right now and the attic is unbearable. So I haven't been up there too often. I am working on having an ac go up there but I haven't worked out all the details just yet

kathc's picture

Hey, make sure she's got nothing fun in her room then put her to bed and let her cry her eyes out if that's what she wants to do. As long as she's in her room with the door closed and has nothing fun to watch/play with great. Then wake her up NICE and early for CHORES!