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Light at the End of the Tunnel

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm starting to feel better about this whole skid thing. Took 9.5 years but it's happening!

SD17 will be heading off to college in about a month. She is the biggest pain in my ass. Mini BM causes the most stress in my life and she is going to college 4.5 hours away! BM is so pissed that she is leaving her that she won't help her even move into her dorm. Asshole.

SS16 got his license. DH bought him an old used car. The benefits of that is no more dropping him back to Mommy Dearest's house or their bags }:) Now I just need to wait 6 months before he can drive his brother, SS15 anywhere. Come November SS16 will be driving himself, SS15 and their bags back to BM's! Whoo Hoo!!!

Now I pray SS16 gets his part time job that he applied for. He has an interview today.

In a year and half, DH will be reducing the CS when SS16 turn's 18. I will be so happy that jobless BM won't be getting as much money.


HadEnoughx5's picture

Yes. The difference between dropping one as to two, isn't that big. DH wants to keep BM from all the drama she'll bring to the court room until then. She gets 43k in death bennies from her deceased husband for DH's kids. As they turn 18, that money will drop off too... }:)

DaizyDuke's picture

Huh? I don't get it... she gets SSI for DH's kids because her husband (who was not their father) died?

HadEnoughx5's picture

Yup. I think it's absolutely crazy. And then our country wonders why Social Security is a disaster. It's funding her financially while she refuses to work.