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biodads, input please

raindrop's picture

my ex boyfriend has 2 kids and he has the kids allllll the time. he used to cancel on me allll the time if we have plans because he volunteered to keep the kids another nigh, etc. anytime the BM wants to dump the kids, she can, because my ex will NOT give her any problems about it. he was also paying full child support for both kids, yet, he had them 5-6 days/week. recently, BM did agree to give him half custody and child support has since been severed,thus, he does't have to pay child support at all to her. But he said he is going to pay her a little bit every month "because it's the right thing to do". Does it sound like he still has feeling for his ex because he is still going to give her a some money every month when he doesn't have to, and when he has the kids a lot more than she does?


he told me that he loves having his kids, but a big reason why he wants them at his house all the time is because he is "jealous" of BM's boyfriend and doesn't want the boyfriend to have any extra chance to bond with the kids. this bf of hers is a really nice guy to be honest. She did leave my exboyfriend (the BD) for this guy, but she and BD were seperated at the time. The kids love the boyfriend because he really treats them well. My ex is now "trying" to accept the bf after 3 years, so, get this, my ex has asked the bf to help him with odd jobs around his house and asked him to install new brakes on his car, etc. And the bf did. They didn't say miuch to eachother, but he did come over. Isn't this crossing boundaries? I seem to wonder if my ex is trying to "prove" himself to the exwife by being friendly to this guy, yet, stabbing him behind the back by secretely keeping the kids, so he can't bond with them. Like there is some ulterior motive. My ex, just a year ago, used to VENT to me alllll the time about how vindictive BM is, how he can't stand her, how her bf is lazy, etc. He seemed to really hate them But now, 1 year later, he acts like she is the worlds best mom. They were only married 1.5 years, only dated a month before they got married and have been divorced for 3 years now.

Anyone who can enlighten me, please do. I may get back with this guy, but I have my concerns as u can see.

Zoie's picture

Hey husband and I read your post and he wants me to tell you to leave well enough alone. This ex-bf of yours is still in love with his ex and he is trying to win her back by showing her how great he taking the kids whenever she wants, buy continuing to pay some child support and by trying to befriend the bf.....

This will end badly if you go back to this per my DH YOUR EX IS STILL IN LOVE WITH HIS EX....

sorry Sad