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Mother’s Day weekend - why hasn’t she contacted?

Ltutsch's picture

Nothing more fitting than joining this forum on mother’s day weekend!

Which is the exact weekend my 2 step children should be visiting their biological mother. Which is what she did say on her last phone call April 23.....

im here because I just can’t understand how a mother abandons her kids? She is a known prescription pill user and probably meth. Do those drugs effect a biological urge so much that she completely flakes out? 

How can a person say she will see the kids a certain time and you never hear from her after that?

what are those of you dealing with a flakey, lying biological mother opinions on this?



bearcub25's picture

Yes drugs can do that to a person.  My BM was like that and my brother is now raising 3 of his grandkids bc Mom is too busy drugging with her man.