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Hurry Up and Wait

StepUltimate's picture

So at some point after me & DD fell asleep last night, SS came home. I think it was after midnight but don't know & don't care when SS came home. I'm just counting down until he's gone, but that has to be broken into realistic chunks of tasks. This weekend I've accomplished most of a To-Do List but the big one I've avoided is money. Somehow I have to tell DH that I'm splitting the money so he can manage his own money, without resenting me for not being on-board with his spending. I plan to have my income deposited into a new checking account, DH's income into his own new account, and our current shared account becomes our shared Hoisehold Bills account. I told DH a few weeks ago I would be doing this, after another convo where DH is focused on his next sports car whereas I am focused on my desire to one day retire & own a home outright. We did FPU last year but haven't been doing the monthly budgets, even though we have no debt and are Snowballing rhe car payments. 

In the meantime, SS18 comes & goes as he pleases (last night 2nd night in 2+ weeks he slept here), apparently still has his part-time job, and has less than $200 saved for the gas & insurance he'll need to cover to attend CC, which starts 8/25. He doesn't even have a drivers license yet, and CC is 30 miles away, so I'm wondering how rhis will go down. I want to separate money & stop worrying about my $$ going toward enabling SS18's prolonged adolescence.

ndc's picture

You said that you told him you were doing this a couple weeks ago.  Did he not believe you?  If he was paying any attention at all it shouldn't be a big surprise to him that you've taken the steps to effect it, right?  BTW, I think you're doing the right thing.

StepUltimate's picture

... and then last weekend was literally like, about to get in the car with DH to go to the bank, and he told me he wants to keep it all together, kind of echoing what I'd said months ago when it 1st came up for discussion. That originally stopped discussion, but over time DH was bummed I couldn't get into putting money away for a sports car when we're still paying off our two existing cars... AND SS18 is living with us contributing zero, and I want to be DONE supporting him. I also want DH to feel fhe financial burden if supporting an 18 year old. Hoping DH sticks to his word & has SS pay for his own insurance & gas because I will be p*ssed if either of them expect me to cover that. That's partly why I know I need to separate finances.

Harry's picture

If SS moves out.  You will be paying 2/3 of the bills.  ??? Make sure you don’t get screwed in the future