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What does DH stand for?

xrsteve2003's picture

As title. What does DH stand for? I keep seeing it and just wondered

IslandGal's picture

Dick Head. When he's absolutely acting like one }:)

But seriously, it's Dear!!

101Stepmom101's picture

I figured it was Divorced Husband... Although, I remind my husband often how he really needs to DIVORCE his EX WIFE. Wink S I G H

ItsGrowingOld's picture

sm = stepmother
sd = stepdad
bm = biological mother
bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
sd = step daughter
ss = step son
bs = biological son
bd = biological daughter
dw = darling wife
dh = darling husband
dd = darling daughter
ds = darling son
poa = power of attorney
cs = child support
mil = mother-in-law
fil = father-in-law
pas = Parental Alienation Syndrome

Rags's picture

DH = Dear/Darling Husband.

If I am referring to DickHead (the SpermIdiot) I just spell it out.