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Okay, I guess I am petty!

Tiredofit's picture

I just can't help feeling angry inside. I need to find a way to get over it but's so hard, especially when DH doesn't validate my feelings and just wishes things could be perfect between me and SD30 and doesn't understand why I can't just "let it go". My problem is with SD but by the time he gets off his cell phone and I have heard his doormat tone, and how he just coddles her, I am mad at him too. He and I had a conversation about his kids this weekend when I told him that I still couldn't believe how they chose to ignore my Dad's death and never extended any support to me through phone call or card. I did receive a card and Christmas ornament "in rememberance" of my father from my SS34 and wife yesterday. DH says that SD didn't do it maliciously but to me, when you have had someone in your life for 26 years and you do NOTHING when someone so close to them dies...IT IS MALICIOUS! Sorry, I know the little brat is paying me back for not coming to her freaking 2nd wedding in Mexico, I am to blame. The deal Dad died on the 20th of November which "interfered" with our Thanksgiving holiday with DH's kids. Therefore, it was rescheduled for this coming weekend. I spent Thanksgiving Day with my brothers and their families and it wasn't much of a celebration since we had all just lost our Dad. I didn't even feel like having a Thanksgiving this year at all. I would just as soon not celebrate anything right now especially with people that obviously only tolerate me for DH's sake. Being around them is the last thing on this earth I want to do. In the mean time, I am hearing bits and pieces of DH's conversation with SD and he is saying that we probably won't be having dinner this weekend and how my Dad's death is still fresh and I don't feel like having it. However, I still am being expected to go over for a visit. I feel like catching a cold or something so I don't have to go. I have no desire to be around any of them after all of the mean things that have been said about me lately and how I have been treated. DH just gets heart broken when I tell him how I feel, I can't help it, I can't just push these feeling aside, this was the straw that broke the camels back with me and I will find it hard to be around them AT ALL.

eyes2blue68's picture

Just tell them you are still grieving and take time for yourself! Take a nice warm bubble bath and encourage DH to go without you. Let him know (if he hasn't experienced it yet) how losing a parent takes its toll on you mentally, physically and emotionally and by giving you some time NOW, maybe Christmas with his children won't be near as hard for you to bear. I truly hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself first and stop worrying so much what the SKs will think of you. You have many years to spend holidays with them.

Me (41). DH (turns 54 late November). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.

Tiredofit's picture

Thanks so much Steve! What a blessing this website is. It is truly encouraging to read such similar stories as mine. I wonder why it is that most of us on here feel a connection because of our experiences and yet some of our spouses find it so hard to understand? Maybe it's just easier to sweep things under the rug and pretend that everything is peachy....I don't know. All I know is that someone usually ends up miserable. I love DH alot, if I didn't I would have left many years ago. But, I wish he would make me feel like he understands how I feel and quit making excuses for the selfish behavior of his kids. Again, thank you for your valuable input, I truly appreciate it. Smile

Tiredofit's picture

Thank you for the encouragement. I have a feeling that this "visit" is actually for the grand announcement from SD30 that she is expecting her first child. My BD read on Facebook from one of SD30's friends that 2 of her best friends are expecting, and I am aware that SD is trying to get pregnant. Everything in her life is such a grand event. She and her first husband bought a house together before they got married. They were living together and she made it clear to everyone that she wanted to be "surprised" by his marriage proposal. He went to great lengths to "surprise" her. For God's sake!! How shocking is it to get a proposal when you just bought a house together and talk about getting married???!!! I feel a huge blow up coming with DH over this. The more I think about it the madder I get. He hasn't told me yet that SD is going to be at SS house for the visit (which was supposed to be a visit to see the 2 step granddaughters ages 1 and 3) because if we don't make the effort to see them we don't see them at all. If and when he announces to me that SD will be there as well, I am going to tell him he is going to have to go alone. I am sick and tired of it ALWAYS being about THEM. Truly I don't give much of a $h!t whether she's pregnant or not, all it will be for me is more Christmas and birthday presents to buy. I know I won't be considered a Grandmother to the child, I will be exactly what I am to them, nothing. Besides that, if I wanted to go over there for a visit with the whole family, I should've agreed to the mock Thanksgiving dinner as well.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Dear tired. I know exactly how you feel. I have been a stepmother for 28 years. I treated skids as if they were my own for years and when grand skids arrived I did the same with them. Yet, like you, when my father passed away a few years ago they did not even utter a a single expression of sympathy. Another example of skids callous and hateful behavior towards me was when we were together at a family dinner on my birthday a few years ago they delberately refused to even wish me happy birthday! Yet they want and expect those gifts to keep coming knowing full well they came from me!

I have finally grown exhausted from their continuos rants and adult temper tantrums. It was a slow process - not any particular event just the sum total of all of the horrible behavior towards me. Yet they still feel entitled to make demands of me.

Due to good advice from other steptalkers I have totally disengaged. Since disengaging I have become immune to their craziness and emotional blackmail and I highly recommend it. I am now too busy living my life to try to worry about how I can make a situation better that has no hope of ever being better.

I strongly suggest that you not do anything that you do not want to do at this time or for Christmas. It takes a lot of time to get over the loss of a parent - you need to take this time. I do not understand why your husband would argue with you about this at this time. Arguing with you about whether you feel up to visiting his children within months of your profound loss seems cruel. Why is it such a big deal for him to go alone this year? Why can't you have a small Christmas at home this year and then later in the day he could visit his children alone. I suggest simply telling him you are too tired to argue but you are too emotionally exhausted to go. Good luck - you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Tiredofit's picture

Well, I may have gotten through to DH a little. He has finally accepted the fact that I am NOT going to visit the sgrandkids on Sunday. After finding out my SD will be there and is going to share her big "surprise" with us (after not acknowlegding my father's death)of her first pregnancy. It is ALWAYS about her, and I am pleased that DH has come to terms with the fact that I won't be going. I most recently received an email from SS34's wife about the 3 yr. old grand daughters Christmas program that we have been invited to. In the email it states that if we aren't able to attend that's okay, but they were asked to invite Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles etc. Problem is, she sent invitations to everyone except my BD28 who has a 3 yr old of her own. To make a long story a little shorter, at my SD's wedding reception last summer, during the toast, DIL made her little toast about how glad she was to finally have a sister, leaving my BD 28 completely out of the picture. It was hurtful to my BD and I haven't even told her about the Christmas invitation. I don't plan to. I really don't want to go to it either, considering the only ppl who were invited were BM, an email to my husbands address, DIL's parents and princess SD30. It was written with a generic "Hi Guys", therefore, I don't know if it intended for me or not. My God, this is so petty...I feel like I am just jumping on the band wagon with these idiots...I just don't know how to stop this madness. One minute I think well maybe I can move on with them and then WHAM. Of course, DH thinks it was unintentional. I don't, this DIL is very thorough about everything, following good etiquette and protocol MOST of the time, so for her to inadvertantly "forget" to invite my BD28 is not by mistake especially when at the bottom of her email, all by itself was:"We're encouraged to invite Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles if you all can make it"
.. After the wedding reception where DIL made her comment and when SD refused to make a dip for my bday party, and an entire host of cruel things that had been said about me to various people, my BD sent them ALL an email and spelled out how she felt. She told them that for years she has sat back and watched them mistreat me and my DH and how she felt like she got kicked in the stomach at the reception when DIL gave her toast. That she has pretty much given up on us being a "family" and shame on them for the way they treat me and DH. I was so proud of her!! She has lived her entire life in the shadows of these two royal family members....she truly is such a good person, not shallow and manipulative like the husband and BD have a wonderful relationship, it's the only dad she has ever known and she adores him and shows him the respect and love that he deserves. He told her he was proud of her for writing the email and to not feel bad about it. I hate for her to be punished by the jack asses....that's why I plan to stand tall and not attend this either, I'll be darned if they will snub the ONE person that has ever stood up for me and continue to fake wanting me at their funtions. We'll see how well DH takes this one, I know he is really trying to understand but when I pointed out the email invites he thought I was just being petty.... ??!! I need to let it go? He wants it OVER.....

Tiredofit's picture

There were a few responses....At first my SD said she would be happy to bring a dish and attend. BTW, they were both informed of the party a couple of months in advance, the email only went out 2 weeks before the party. Here are the emails:

BD – for personal reasons, I’m not going to be able to help with making the dip for SMs party. I will give you the recipe so that maybe someone who will be at the house that day helping you can possibly make it. It needs to set up for a couple of hours in the fridge.

I prefer not to go into my reasons because you may not understand. I have a habit of keeping things to myself because unfortunately my voice/life events are not heard.
I would also like for you to not make this a big deal by not telling SM or Dad. This really is an internal battle.
Thanks for understanding.

BD's response and a CC sent to SS as well:

SD30 -I'm a little confused by your email to say the least. On one hand I'm assuming you're still planning on coming to the party? But on the other hand because of your "internal battle regarding your voice/life events" not being heard, you don't feel like you will be able to make a dip? It is obvious that you have issues with my mother, that is what i am assuming this is about, then why are you even bothering to come to her party? Both Mom and Dad know, because of your friends enlightenment at your reception, how you, SS34 and others feel towards my mother. I'm sure your friend shared with you what she told my Mom about how everyone feels about her. What I'd like to know is, do you and SS34 not assume any responsibility for anything, or is my Mom going to get the blame for everything that has happened over the last 25 years? I find it really sad that you and SS34 both don't feel a natural desire to communicate with your Dad on a regular basis and can't find importance in initiating a phone call or even returning one for that matter. I'm assuming that you are feeling this way because Mom and Dad didn't come to your wedding? At that point Dad wasn't sure if he was going to even be able to keep his job, but still because of Mom's insistance, and yes it was her, that Dad give you a thousand dollar wedding gift, what a bitch huh? Whether you beleive it or not Mom and Dad both were very disappointed that they weren't able to go to Mexico for your wedding. They also were afraid that there would be repercussions because they weren't able to go. Guess they were right. You know, if you spent half as much time trying to understand their voices/life events as you do your own then I don't think there would be an issue at all. I don't know what to say to you SD30, because I think that my mom is going to be blamed for all of the negative feelings that you and SS34 have no matter what. I think it's time that everyone take a good long hard look in the mirror and quit blaming others for their shortcomings and assume a little bit of the responsibility for what has happened to this "Family"!

You want to talk about feelings getting hurt? How about we talk about the toasts made at your wedding reception. Here I am standing there, not being involved in any way, and SIL gets up to give a toast about how she has always wanted a sister and how she is so glad that she met SS34 because now she has the sister she always wanted. Talk about the wind getting knocked out of me. Why do you think we left right after that, kinda hard to hold in the tears after hearing something like that. My whole entire life I had always hoped that we could get past the "step" and just be sisters, at this point I think I can safely say that is never going to happen.

Another thing that blows my mind is how you can hold all of these grudges towards my Mom when she has done nothing to you, and yet after all of the things that your mother has said and done to both of you, you are able to forgive that?

I lived my whole entire life without my "blood" father not wanting to be a part of it, thank god I got to share "your" dad. I will never understand how you and SS34 both can treat him the way that you do. You act like he doesn't even matter to you, you can't call to see how he's doing, you can't return a phone call when he leaves a message, it's like pulling teeth to organize a family dinner. I can't even begin to imagine how he feels about all of this. Both of his parents are dead, he rarely sees his brothers, you won't return his calls, thank God he has my mother. Shame on you both for making him feel like he doesn't matter.

I realize that me writing this letter to you might not be the best thing for out "family's" future, but i really don't give a damn, i can't hold it in anyomore, i've been doing it for as long as i can remember. As far as me not sharing this with Dad and SM, that's not he way I'm wired. I'm not like you. When there is something like this that is causing so much hurt between the people that you love and the people that are the most important to you, my philosophy is to get it all out in the open and let the wounds heal once and for all. That's what families do.

Sincerely, BD28

SS34 response:

Not sure where this applies to me. Kind of disapointing to hear but you are entitled to your own point of view. My lack of attendence to the party is nothing personal. I don't harbor any opinions/ill will about SD30 wedding. It's not my business or my concern. I don't play the blame game, BD. I accept reality and move on. I'd venture to guess my effort regarding getting together and talking on the phone are proportionate to what I receive. You don't know the half of it from where I stand. Something to think about. If you want people to embrace the party perhaps you could include them a little earlier in the planning. A 2 week window is pretty tight. All it takes is a little email, "50th birthday coming up in a couple months let's keep it in mind". Just saying, probably would resolve a lot of the heartache. This communication thing, it's a two-way street.

Anyhow, this is just a taste of it. I think I will just let DH go alone and direct any questions and concerns to me, I have pretty much had it with these two. Thanks for listening!

Tiredofit's picture

Yes!!! I loved the email as well and am very proud of her for standing up for me and DH. She really hit the nail on the head, didn't she? LOL Neither SS or SD have spoken to her since. I haven't talked to either one since either and that was back in August. DH has visited with them a few times but like you said, smoke and mirrors. The funny thing is, SD told DH that she knows I was behind the email....which just goes to show you that EVERYTHING that she views as negative is my fault! So....not much has changed at all since then. DH went yesterday to see the 2 sgrandkids at SS's house and SD came and made her announcement that she is pregnant with her first child and DIL announced that she is pregnant as well with #3. So glad that they could share that with DH and glad I wasn't there to fake joy. I hate that it has come to this but I find it a struggle to be happy for them when they try so hard to make me miserable. Needless to say, BD is not looking forward to being around them at Christmas when they are ALL supposed to come here for brunch on Christmas day. I have a knot in my stomach just thinking about it. I told BD to stand tall and I am beside her, it seems that it's always been her and me "against the world" since she was born and her bio dad left us when she was 6 days old.....I am so proud of her, she has the biggest heart and truly loves, something I don't think skids have ever experienced. If it weren't for BD and BS, my DH wouldn't know what it was like to have children that love him for who he is and proud to have him as their father. Thank you so much for your input, StepAside, if we were to meet somewhere out in the world, I just know in my heart we would be great friends. Thanks again.... Smile

Tiredofit's picture

Also, DH received several emails from SD after BD's email. She was PISSED. She made it clear that she didn't want to be around BD ever again and refused to ever come to a "family dinner" that felt fake. Also, had snide comments to make about our anniversary trip and wanted to "sit us both down" and tell us exactly how she feels. This is what my late father meant when he refered to this being the "ME GENERATION"'s always about HER, oh and her "life events".

Tiredofit's picture

Well, DH just left to go visit SS34 and SD 30 and the sgrandkids without me for the first time! I stood my ground and it was hard, only because I feel for my DH. It was calm though and he didn't make me feel bad for not wanting to go. He only asked me if there was anything I wanted him to tell "the kids". I simply said, "no, I can't think of anything". My wish is that he would lay it out for them while he is there for a visit regarding how they treat me, my BS and BD. I know that's a bit much to ask because he isn't about confronting anything. He gets upset with me when I tell him that I won't be going to certain functions and asks why I can't just drop it. I nicely told him that I am not able to "sweep it under the rug anymore!" I am not looking forward to the Christmas holiday time because my BD is quite upset and I know they will ALL be here at Christmas. This was already a month from hell and I really hope it all goes well.

eyes2blue68's picture

I know how you feel. My husband went to see his oldest daughter out of town without me in October for an overnight visit. I was climbing the walls while he was gone. I hate worrying about the holidays and how to deal with his "I'm so entitled" children. I'm seriously thinking I would rather my husband be gone for a few hours on each holiday than my son and I having to deal with people coming over here, breaking our Christmas ornaments and other things, etc. My son likes it QUIET here like I do. I hate walking on eggshells for kids I didn't birth out my own vagina!

You hang in there. Private message me anytime. I'm here daily.

Me (41). DH (turns 54 late November). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.