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I didn't sign up for this...

thebluehen's picture

I met my DP 9 years ago. He had (has) 3 kids, I had 1. He saw his kids a third of the time.

Soon after I moved in 7 years ago, his middle daughter moved in with us full time.

She spent every waking moment (and I mean every waking moment, including waiting outside the bathroom door when he went for a pee. They were both 14 years old) with my son, I tried to coax her away from him, tried to do things with her, tried to talk to my DP about it but he would say nothing was wrong. She then stopped hanging around him and started following us around. I had lost the 1 to 1 with my son, now it was time to lose the 1 to 1 with my DP.

I nearly left many times. My DP relationship with my son, whilst not awful, was not what I would have liked and I spent 24/7 with his daughter and a third with his other children. They are good kids but ultimately not very independent and all of them just want to be with us even now they are young adults with boyfriends. They only spend time with the boyfriends when we go out or they bring them to our house when we are there.

I gave up my opportunity to have more children with my DP who didn't want any more and I have effectively brought up his daughter and part time his other kids. I completely under-estimated how much of a demand that would be. His two eldest kids have both been treated for depression, both regularly tell me how much better things are at Mum's house, but don't seem to want to be there with Mum. I have tried so hard to bond with them, but we are different people and I have never been someone who just wants to hang around other people all day. I have always wanted to be making my own life.

Middle daughter is now at uni but is not settling well and regularly tells me she just can't wait for uni to finish so she can go back to her school (she wants to work there).

My son is at uni and settled and happy there.

I hung on to staying because I knew that daughter was off to uni and I would get a break but she is home every weekend and her holidays are just over half the year.

I feel my home life is completely dictated to me. I can't choose who I shop and cook for (never know who will stop by), who is staying in my home (will the boyfriend be staying over?) and who I spend my free time with. The only control I have is to leave the house, and even then, she will ask to come with me.

I am an introvert and a quiet person who needs alone time (without DP, DS or DSD or anyone else) and yet I am denied this.

I am resentful that DSD Mum gets lots of time to herself (she also doesn't work) and I am working and spending my precious free time listening to how great Mum is!

I am full of regret for waiting and waiting for it to get better. It hasn't.

DP doesn't want to upset his kids and thinks I should just accept it, but I am simply not built that way and I also know he would never accept the same from my son.

ChiefGrownup's picture

No wonder she's miserable at college. She is not vested in life there. She comes "home" every weekend, not participating in the campus activities, making friends, trying out her wings. Tell dad that.

And, yes, you have to stand up for yourself, introvert or not. It's just part of adulting. Start by declaring one weekend an "adults only" weekend and ban all kids. Then make it one weekend a month. Then ultimately you can flip this whole thing around to the kids facing outward toward their own lives instead of inward toward childhood at the same time you are growing stronger and stronger in your new skill of boundary setting.

They will all squawk and complain but you just have to face that and shrug it off.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I'd tell everyone that 2 days of the week were off limit for guests so that you have your alone time. Anyone that doesn't like your house rules can move to their own house were they can make their own rules.

thebluehen's picture

Thank you for your replies!

I know this is an American site and I'm British. On British sites Dp stands for dear partner and is commonly used.

My being British might explain my "politeness" about it all (but not excuse it!!), after all I am the person that apologises when someone pushes in front of me in the queue.

You have motivated me to stand up for myself and stop waiting for dp to do it for me. It's my life and I need to take control of it.

Time to start asking for my needs to be met and if I have to fight for it, then it's time to leave. Life is too short!

Acratopotes's picture

Steps to make yourself happy..... tongue in the cheek of course, but British lady will get my dark humor...

1. SD, Mum is so wonderful - You: Oh marvelous when are you moving in with her then.....
2. Cook what the hell you want or not at all, either they eat or not... who cares
3. Stop catering for boyfriends, girlfriends and any other person you are not married to
4. Going somewhere and SD wants to tag along - NO SD, we are not friends you can't come with

so what if DP is walking on egg shells around his kids, not your kids you don't have to....

I'm neither American or British lol...... I'm from Mars... the only person who will make you happy is you, take control again of your life, life is way to short to simply please other people..... Either DH follows you or he does not...
But I think he will, just give it time, kids are adults it's time for you and DH and those good silver years people are talking about

thebluehen's picture

Thanks again.

I told step daughter the other night to leave us alone in the front room so we could have time together. She took it well, although my other half sulked all evening!

I also told her sister to stop slamming the doors early in the morning (something I have been asking DP to tell her for a long time).

I asked DSD to leave the room so I could make an internet call to my son.

I am getting there with small steps and feel better for taking control of my life.

I keep reminding myself that it is MY home and MY life and I am just as entitled as anyone to what I want, especially when I am the adult and paying for it all.

Step daughter has sat at home with no contact with the outside world for weeks now (Easter holidays), she has had ample opportunity to see her Mum (who also sits around all day doing nothing) and she hasn't. No friends and no life. Does this bother her parents? Apparently not. Strange!

sammigirl's picture

When you've had enough and you care enough for yourself, you will open the drain and flush that house out.

That's what I did. It was ugly, but cleaned the Sh&^%t out. My DH is finally getting used to fresh air.

The boundaries are set and if nobody likes it, the door is not locked; they are welcome to leave. They all know it and therefore, things are my way in my home.

You will wonder why you didn't clean up this mess sooner; it's freedom!