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Am I reading too much in to this?

Disillusioned's picture

Don't know if I should be annoyed by this or not....

From the very beginning of my relationship with DH, I've never had any issues with his daughter's talking about BM...of course back then DH's girls weren't getting along with BM and would bad-mouth her which I did not like or encourage. Now that they are older and everything is fine with them and BM, I still have always encouraged them to feel comfortable talking about their mom in my presence

DH's eldest of course does it to manipulate, hurt and embarrass - playing parent off parent, parent of step-parent, and step-parent off step-parent. YSD is less obvious but I have felt from time to time she does this as well, but then wonder if I'm over-reacting as again, BM and I have never had any major issues and I've not only never said a bad word about her, I've been pretty complimentary towards her as she has consistently been to me as well

However this weekend when we were talking with YSD she says she has a favor to ask and when we fly out to see her in a couple of weeks, could we stop by BM's house before because BM has a gift for YSD

BM lives about half an hour from our house and I guess not a big deal but anyway, DH doesn't answer YSD when she asks and looks at me for a response instead. Of course I said sure, no worries YSD we can pick the things up

Then DH says to YSD why doesn't she ask his eldest daughter to pick it up from BM's as we will be seeing his eldest next weekend and we can pick it up then

YSD immediately says no, but she will ask BM to just come to SGS's event. YSD says the reason why BM is never at SGS's events is she won't drive on the highway, and since BM's SO can't stand DH's/BM's eldest daughter there is no way he will drive her to SGS's events.

So, what YSD was saying didn't make any sense. If BM's SO refuses to drive BM there, and she won't drive there on her own, how could she possibly meet us there to give us the gifts for YSD?

Finally DH says no, don't worry about asking BM that, for YSD not to worry herself about it at all, we'll figure it out and bring the gifts to her no matter what

I know as far as YSD has ever known, BM and I get along just great (different matter with BM and DH but even that has gotten better over the years) but still, to ask that we drive to her house right before our trip not to mention inviting her to an event we are at....don't know if YSD doesn't get it or really, I'm just overreacting and there is nothing to worry about?