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How do I get my son away safely and completely?

CJ38's picture

Unfortunately, things in my life have not gotten better. My stepson is just a time bomb waiting to go off he is looking at toddlers, and men. He is also fiddle faddling himself in public. My husband has now started saying that it isn't as bad as we have been saying and that a lot of it is in my head. His mother has also pulled him from therapy. And as I have said, I have no power to help him. I have called DCFS what he is doing, and they said they can do nothing unless he offends. Our therapist says it is time to plan to get out. My husband has also become highly highly abusive, and controlling, threatening me, my safety, and the safety of my son. So I am going to get out of it, but I need to know how to get my son permanently away from my husband without or only with supervised visitation. I know there are ways that this can happen that lawyers won't tell you about. I also need to know some ways or contacts of real jobs I can do, to earn money at home so I can pay for an attorney. Please don't just write rants and raves on here as to how I should just leave. Anyone who knows the court systems, knows enough that if the evidence is not just right, that you cannot protect your children the way they need to be. If you are interested in knowing my whole experience, please see my blog. Thanxs so much for all of your support!

Mommyof4Luvs's picture

If it is at all possible my suggestion is to try and stick it out for a little bit, of course making sure your child is safe....and document EVERYTHING! Keep detailed notes of every single thing he does or says, take video, record phone calls and threats, save texts and emails...this is all DV and if you can prove it with these things you'll have a much easier time gaining sole custody with supervised visitation. I wish you the best, I have been there and done that and I know what you're going through <>
Once you leave it will much harder to get the proof you need.