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It has been over a year and still needing to get out!

CJ38's picture

It has been a year. A lot has changed. I have come to realize that I have married a complete sociopath. I had a divorce attorney tell me the only way to get out was to run. If I file the courts would give visitation to him with my stepson who has progressed to saying he wants to do sexual acts to all of his half siblings (in graphic detail) and to other tiny children. We have reported it to DCFS and they have said that they can do nothing until he offends. My husband wants this child to have a relationship with my sons. Over my dead body. And that is the new fear that he will end my life to have control over them. He put his hands around my neck several months ago. Didn't squeeze but what will the next step be? I have reported all of this with authorities and they will protect me but not my children. I will not leave them to Satan to save myself. If anyone knows of any alternative resources.


overworkedmom's picture

Ok, running. It seems like your only choice. Do you have any family or friends overseas? Someone who can help to hide you until you can get out on your own? I would move out of the country ASAP. International custody can be very tricky for the non custodial- and that is IF he can find you.

lovedbyone72's picture

A parole officer once told me that an offender of his was going through a divorce. The wife filed "false" sexual assault claims. She immediately left the state, and couldn't be charged with kidnapping during an open investigation. I don't agree with filing false claims but if your life is headed in the direction of molestation, get out now. You are the only advocate for your children.

overworkedmom's picture

I was told that as long as an custody agreement was never in place it is not kidnapping- it parenting. Once there is an order that is another story. That's why she needs to leave, quickly, quietly and keep hidden as well as possible and as far away as possible.

amber3902's picture

Yeah, if she moves before anything is filed she can't be charged with kidnapping.