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What do you think of this?

NoNameThx's picture

DH is a cop. A rather arrogant one. Wants everyone to know he's a cop.

Today he bought SD11 a hat that says "My dad can arrest your dad". She is proudly wearing it. The hat honestly makes me cringe. I kind of feel like if she wears it out kids will kind of judge her for it. I just don't like it. I mean it's up to her if she wants to wear it.

I just was wondering how you guys feel about it.

Craving Normality's picture

If I saw that on a child's head I would laugh and look for the parents thinking they would be complete morons.

LJZ's picture

Im pretty sure if that hat came to our house for the weekend it would "somehow" meet its untimely end at the mouths of our two dogs...