Early to ask...but when is too old for Trick or Treating?
SD12 is already excitedly talking about Halloween and trick or treating. She wants to go dressed as Tinkerbell.
I'm wondering if I'm wrong for thinking she's a little old for it? She turns 13 in early October. She will be entering 7th grade this year. I remember growing up, I would have been too embarrassed to still be Trick or Treating at 13, as a jr high student. Especially wanting to dress up as Tinkerbell.
SD12 is already severely immature and while I absolutely believe in letting kids be kids, she has started to get made fun of by kids at school for acting "like a little kid".
Just wanted to see if I am right, and should discourage this, or if maybe it's pretty common to go Trick of Treating in jr high.
One of my sons is in high
One of my sons is in high school and he and a group of friends went out trick or treating. Last year he dressed up as a unicorn and brought back half a pillow case full of candy so someone is doling it out to the teens. I'm sure the crew will go out again this year too. I'll tell him to say hello if he sees a Tinkerbell tweenager
I was just a 3rd grader and
I was just a 3rd grader and was told that I was "...obviously, too old to be trick-or-treating" by a neighbor. I was a tall kid. I had been trick-or-treating twice in my entire life. (In Africa we didn't) I never went again.
My BS-13 costumed up and did our neighborhood with a close friend. May do it again in costume ... that's my rule: Dress up. Although I would give candy to any teen/tween who shows up, except for the van-loads who come from different cities ... I just turn out my light then and play possum.
Forgot to add: BS also goes
Forgot to add: BS also goes in costume to one of our retirement centers and HANDS OUT candy on the Saturday before Halloween. Done it every year since he was an urchin. When he was younger he was thrilled to be able to wear his costume multiple times. Now he understands that a lot of our elderly folk don't get a chance to chat/see young people AND get a chance to have some diabetic candy.
Some people have issues with
Some people have issues with teenagers trick-or-treating, I do not. It's a matter of opinion. I think I would let this none go and let your SD enjoy it.
My kids are 26, 23 and 15. So
My kids are 26, 23 and 15. So the older girl went out with her little sister and yes she and her friends dressed up. My oldest, a boy, I think his last year dressing up was 11, then after that he would go out with friends "tricking". It seems like your SD is excited for Halloween in maybe an immature, 5 year old way, I mean , Tinkerbell at her age? When my middle one was that age, she went as "Zombie Bride".
We just had this conversation
We just had this conversation with SS12 who will be 13 next month. I took him trick or treating last year and at first he seemed embarrassed but quickly warmed up the heavier his bag got.
He said if he did go he is going just because I want to. So we decided that we are all going to dress up, furry baby included (he is a black lab and we bought him a spider outfit) and all go. I will make those kids go every year till they are 30! LOL
8 or 9, IMO.
8 or 9, IMO.
I don't see the big deal. 30
I don't see the big deal. 30 and working FT? Uuhh..... yeah, you can probably buy your own candy. I'm more than happy to see the olders ~8:30/9pm so I can finish off what's left. By 9 the littles are gone home and I'm ready to call the night. I can't keep a lot of sweets in the house 'cause of my Dad, so... that last group does well.
I agree that we send mixed messages - growing up too fast, not growing up fast enough. So what are these kids to do in this "in between" world we've created?
Thunderfoot is 16 and wants
Thunderfoot is 16 and wants us ALL to dress up as super heroes and go trick or treating. She would be bat girl, I would be Wonder Woman and DH would be Superman. That ain't happening. If she and DH want to go...they can have at it.
I actually have that costume
I actually have that costume and there is NO WAY her fat ass is going to fit in it. So to answer your question...yes. It's not all that skimpy but it's form fitting. Now my Wonder Woman is SKIMPY lol
She is my idol! I have the
She is my idol! I have the box set of the show and a tattoo of her. LOL