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update BM

Cookieboom's picture

I posted this on a blog but wanted to update as I use this forum alot....BM just reported that her Mortgage went up (claims she had a fixed rate) as a reason for more child support.  Is that a reason for more CS?

She is refusing access to BF to see DS, first she claimed because I am a nurse and will give everyone covid.  Judge slammed he, told her that is no reason to stop BF from seeing DS and told her to work with BF to see his son.  

NOW she claims she has proof that I am addicted to drugs that I am stealing from patients.  She was court ordered to bring this evidence at the next deposition. 

Recently, I got notified from LinkedIn (I had a page from years ago and never added anything to it and had forgot about it) that someone searched me on March 16 (the day of her deposition) and also searched “Suzie Snirkerdod.”  Whose “Suzie Snirkerdod” you ask?


The person who searched me was listed as a “private linkenin user.”

I talked to a cop who said I couldn’t prove it was BM, there is no harassment going on, there’s nothing I can do and it’s not illegal to google someone.  He asked if I offered to take a drug test.  WHY SHOULD I?????  He also said that if she brings fake proof that I am stealing drugs from patients nobody cares and I can’t do anything about it. So, she can just lie???????

I also just got a FB friend request from a male doctor in California, when I googled him he did not exist. HOW CONVENIENT…. I never accept requests from people I don’t know. 

I contacted a paralegal I know who stated to wait until she brings evidence, her lawyer will lay out the cards (So to speak) then BF’s lawyer will dispel the evidence piece by piece before a trial.  She suggested getting my own lawyer once I officially get named or get deposed, then sue her for my lawyer fees since I have had nothing to do with her and never met her.  Don’t worry, names have been changed to protect innocent wives….


ESMOD's picture

I doubt a higher mortgage pmt will get her more money.. normally it is based on income.. and not so much on expenses that each party  may have.

The officer is correct in that googling you..looking you up on linked in.. even trying a fake account to get access to your online profile... none of that is really harassment in itself.  things that they might be able to do something about are threats of harm against you.. and things you could sue HER for are if she starts contacting your employer and telling them you are stealing drugs etc...

On the one hand, I understand the indignent feeling of being asked if you would take a drug test.. but it might be good back pocket proof in court.. whether it is in your SO's trial.. or if you have to take her to court for defamation...

I guess the bottom line is what kind of proof could she even have?  I doubt anyone at work would risk their job to lie for her.  If you do work in a medical facility.. they have fairly decent safeguards.. and I imagine you might even be subject to random testing?


Rags's picture

Nail her ass with a defamation suit.  Her bullshit attack on  you is a direct threat to your professional career.

As for her higher mortgage, that has zero influence over CS. CS is purely based on bio parents income, or income capability, and parenting time.  Even if she is unemployed if she has an established earnings history associated with her career and qualifications the Court can impute an income on her for calculation of CS.  Her voluntary move that resulted in the loss of her job in all liklihood will not impact CS at all.

Have a killer shark no bullshit attorney who will go for her throat.


MaryBethC's picture

This 100x. HCBM love to try and drag on court and most don't have any income to back it up. Don't let DH roll over on this and you get her for defamation and emotional distress.

Cookieboom's picture

Thanks for responding.  We have had random drug testing in the past, but it has taken a back burner to Covid testing.  I have no problem taking a drug test but ONLY if I get asked to.  I am looking into a defamation suit, but have been told that I have no recourse at this time, however; I haven’t spoken to an attorney as I feel I need my own instead of using BF’s.

BM has no proof of anything, she has brought up other things and told the attorney things like “Someone told me this and that but I forget who,” and “I don’t remember where I heard that,” stating, “They” and “Them” have told her this or that but won’t elaborate who “They” and “Them” are…

I spoke to my unit manager again and was told that everyone here knows me and knows it would be a lie if she contacts the hospital (Which she has not).  She has court coming up where she was ordered to bring this “evidence” so we will see what she comes up with (She may try to bring new articles of a nurse who was stealing drugs from patients at my hospital (I work at a large city hospital)  few years back (If you remember in one of my posts there was nurse named was Cristin, I’m Cristy),