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SS12 is Beyond Creepy

Peanut-gallery101's picture

Honestly I don’t even know where to begin. The older SS12 gets the Fing weirder he gets. Ok I’m NOT even going to get into how RUDE, Disrespectful, bratty Manipulating he is. I’ll save that for another time. I’ll just go into his Weird fixation guess you can call it with DH and Immature behavior.

As soon as DH gets up in the morning or home from work SS12 comes running “DADDY!!” For a big hug and tells him he “missed him” like DH was gone for a month. Then follows DH around wanting attention like a sick puppy. SS has Developed an interest in making high-pitched squeaking noises. I think it’s just to irritate me and the animals. The cats all run and hiss when they see SS now. I’ve asked DH to tell him to stop and  DH says he does not want to hurt SS’s feelings. I’m ready to Strangle both of them! SS also likes really weird tv shows. Comedies mostly for the 70s. Of course he Insists on watching with daddy in the main living room. It’s bad enough I have to listen to hee haw or Brady bunch every weekend but did I tell you SS does NOT have a indoor voice???? SS thinks Everything these Morons do and say on these shows are funny which make him do a FULL open mouth HAHAHA laugh that I’m sure the Neighbors down the street can hear. This goes one from 6pm till midnight every night we have SS!!!! DH was sick the last couple of nights so he went to bed early which ment SS went to bed early too. Oh yes SS refuses to stay up alone. If DH goes to bed so does SS even if he’s not tired. No he’s not afraid just weird. 

So my question is dear god when will he grow up? The kid is going into 7th grade next year time to stop clinging to daddy.  

beebeel's picture

His creepiness won't magically disappear, it will just morph into a super sketchy type of odd the older he gets. This is not normal behavior from a typical 12 year old in my world. My 12 year old autistic nephew sounds more mature. 

You have a serious DH problem if he refuses to parent out of fear of hurt feefees.

advice.only2's picture

6th-8th grade is the worst age group in my opinion. They are at the awkward stage between child and teen and yes can revert back to clingy needy child, then onto annoying making weird noises because they are annoying.

My BD is 13 and she had a faze where she made this stupid face and said this dumb word that made no sense every few minutes, I almost sold her to the gypsies!

still learning's picture

I almost sold her to the gypsies!

I've felt this way about all my tween/teens! Getting through this stage with your own bios can be maddening, not sure i could have survived it with steps.  

GoingWicked's picture

If this is a EOWE thing, let it go, they miss each other and they’re bonding.  If this is all week long, I’d look up validation, he is seeking your DH’s love and acceptance, maybe your DH can work on making sure he feels validated, and the clingy behavior will stop.