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Seeking information

MJL2010's picture

Hi all. I'm seeking information and in addition to my own research for our upcoming court dates, I was wondering if anyone has any reliable sources/statistics they've used in their assorted custody and/or court situations regarding:

1. use of telephone rather than e-mail between biological parents who are unable to communicate without fighting

2. benefit for six-year-old children of twice-daily phone calls from non-custodial parent while they are with the other parent (parents have joint custody).

Thank you. I hope that someday I will be able to give advice rather than always asking for it. What a valuable resource Steptalk is for people going through these very difficult situations.

MJL2010's picture

Thank you Step Mum- it sounds like your partner's daily phone calls are conducted from a place of love and desire for the absolute best for his children. Thank you for taking time to respond.

MJL2010's picture


My situation is exactly like the worst-case scenario you describe. I wish it could be like StepMum's. Unfortunately, BM initiated the first-thing-in-the-morning and last-thing-at-night calls when she and DH first separated, when the boys were four and it made lots of sense for their transition. Now, the boys are getting older and we have blended our two families, and she is desperate to remain present in her boys' minds as their "REAL mummy"- it is an absolute nightmare. And when she calls them and they are asleep or eating, she panics and sends texts and leaves messages in various states of hysteria/anger....when DH calls them when they're with her, they rarely pick up but always call him back. He usually doesn't even leave a message. And, they always call her back when they're with us, too, but she pretends that we are trying to prevent them from talking to her. And their end of the conversations is always monosyllabic, as they listen to her go on and on and on about who knows what? One time she even said something about DS6, which made SS6 laugh and laugh- I suspect it was something mean, and he later confirmed that it was but couldn't remember what she had said- so she is using our land line to say awful things about my child, and to generally try to have control over her kids when they are not with her. Sigh. Anyway, my kids, their dad, and I are happy to speak to each other whenever any of us feel they want to call, no matter whose custody time it at least it's working in one half of our blended family. I'm grateful for that. I'm just really really tired of the stress that BM is putting on us all of the time. Thanks for listening!