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Kids and Counseling

overworkedmom's picture

Question- Can the non-custodial parent get kids into counseling without the custodial parents knowledge or consent?


Anon2009's picture

I think the ncp can but should tread carefully. I say that because ideally, it just doesn't sound like a good idea for one parent to make such a decision without the other's consent unless there's a real emergency going on.

Before anything is decided, though, call your attorney to ask about this.

Willow2010's picture

I think it depends on CO. In most CO's in Texas it is stated that basically the NCP has the same rights as the CP when the kid is with them. So I would say it would be a yes here.

PrincessFiona's picture

We tried but the counseling we made an appointment for would not see her without written permission from the custodidal parent. Not sure if it is the law or if they were just being especially careful. In anycase BM desided it wasn't a good idea. Because helping your child cope with big changes apparently is tough for some BMs.

JustAgirl42's picture

I'm not sure if it's a law, but the therapists always say each parent has to sign a consent for treatment form before they will see the child.