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Rude behavior?

caitlinj's picture

My husband has been with his kids all week. I have barely seen him as Ive been working. He finally decides its a good idea to get a sitter (his mom) and have a date night with me. Right after out date he calls home and during the whole ride home he is talking to his kids and mother whom he is on the way to see. Cant it wait? Is being alone with me so bad? 

2Tired4Drama's picture

A month or so ago, you referred to him as your BF and were questioning whether you should consider marrying him.  The resounding advice you've been given (over and over, BTW) is that this guy is NO GOOD for you and you should exit the relationship.   

So did you marry him?


NarcissisticSkids's picture

Dump him..why do we do this to ourselves?