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DH upgraded to an iphone, mainly because of the facetime feature. His hope was to be able to facetime with SD on her ipod during the week. BM has wifi but is taking her sweet time setting it up on SD's ipod. It's been 3 much longer do we wait?

Step-Volgirl's picture

StickAFork - DH does call and we have her every Fri-Sun. Facetime-ing with SD is something more of an "extra" to help stregnthen their relationship.

Snowdrop - BM moved away, but is not back in our city. Facetime isn't included in CO (neither of them had the ipod/iphone when they divorced.

snowdrop's picture

personally I think I would choose my battles on this one... if he sees he on a somewhat regular basis and is able to catch her on the phone at times that is. BM doesn't technically have to support Facetime, she should but there's nothing saying she has to. It quickly becomes a power struggle and stressor in your lives...