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Strong dislike for SS.

roadvirus1's picture

I know it offends some people when they hear others saying , i hate kids or something of the sort. They think its terrible that anyone can dislike kids. I have came to the unwavering conclusion that not only do it strongly dislike my husbands biological son. I actually hate him. I dont have children of my own. Nor do I plan on it . yes i knew when i married my husband he had a child. Like many , he didnt live with us until we bought our home. He stays with us one weekend yes, one weekend no. The thought of calling him my stepson is repulsive. I cant even hug him or show any affection towards him.
I dont find him cute, funny, clever anything. Now the reason for this discontent. This boy just turned eight. He is spoiled like no other. We bough him 160.00 worth of legos. We bought him a Wii-U he just had to have. He has played with it maybe 2 times. He has so many toys he doesnt play with. All he does literally from sun up to sun down is watch cartoons (the episodes repeat non stop) . Yes maybe thats typical kid behavior but it irritates the living daylights out of me. But the real problem is his 'weird'behavior. Like i said earlier he is 8 . He refuses to shower on his own. My husband has to scrub him and dress him . He is whinny, he cant wash his own dish, he cant get his own drink he needs to have his food cu . Maybe this is how a kid is supposed to be but it really bothers me. He follows my husband and watches him use the bathroom because he will cry if he is left alone. the worst part is that he refuses to sleep in his own room. We bought him a bedroom set , big screen tv for his room . And refuses to sleep on his own. my husband has to sleep with him in our bedroom or the couch in the living room because the bed in his kids room hurts his back. This kid has been shelted his whole life. He never lifts a finger. Cant make an opinion on his own. Whines about everything. Wants every damn new tv or movie fad toy. He asks stupid questions like. Daddy am i hungry? Like how does he not know if hes hungry. He gets bullied because he cant stand up for himself at school. The sad part is that i dont feel bad for him. If he cries i will not make any effort to soothe him. If my husband and i are in our room talking the kid will come in and lay down or ask "daddy how long till you are done talking" and my husband will say "give me a minute " and the kid will ask "like how many minutes" . or the house could be quiet because everyone is doing something and then ill start talking to the husband. Suddenly this little s**t wants to talk to him or proceed to say "daddy daddy daddy" and then say something completely stupid. My husband gets mad because i make no effort to interact with him. He just pisses me off. I seriously contemplate divorce because i dont expect my husband to choose me over the kid. But i rather not deal with him in the future. I know he will continue to be spoiled. The kids mom is another story. She has no regard to what my husband has going on. She will call him with no notice to pick him up and have him stay wih us for a week. Because she has a "last. Minute bussines trip" She called him at 5:57pm to ask if he picked him up from day care...which closes at 6:00. We live almost an hour away . My husband had no idea he needed to pick him up because during the week he lives with his bio mom. she doesnt pack him any clothes. I understand he is his kid. But come the f**k on. She has no other baby sitter? She is so last minute , but she knows he will drop every thing to make life easier for her. This kid constantly asks idiotic questions like "is she going us to the store" clearly when im in the car anf clearly going to the store. That's why i refuse to do anything with them. The the husband asks why dont you make an effort. And ill say because he clearly doesnt want me there.i as a "stepmom" feel i have any right to tell him anything.its not my kid. But sometimes i just want to smack him into reality. This kid is just so sheltered. its as if he were a 3 year old. Is this typical 8 year old behavior? When do kids sleep on their own? when do 8 year olds start doing chores? And is it normal that he needs to be bathed ? He is affraid of everything. I try to tell ny husband but of course he says its normal or hes just a kid. It really bothers me that me and my husband cant sleep together because the kid cant sleep on his own. Ive also addressed it and he says ive tried hes just not ready and the biological still sleeps with him. He doesnt even have his own room at her house. am i wrong for thinking this is abnormal? Sorry this post was so long. This is as much as i could condense it... thanks for reading

-irritated in ca.

AllySkoo's picture

I dunno, you sound pretty "done", and I don't blame you. You need to put the blame squarely where it belongs though, and that's on your DH, not the kid. Funny thing about kids, they don't come out of the womb knowing crap! Parents actually have to teach them, and your DH is a complete failure. (So is BM, but you don't have to live with her.)

Since I mentioned her though, BM isn't your problem either. One, she's actually SUPPOSED to offer time to Dad if she's not available for her parenting time. It's called Right Of First Refusal. So no, she's not supposed to get "another babysitter". If mom isn't able to take her time with the child, then Dad has first dibs on time with his kid. Now, if he's not discussing it with YOU first, his wife, then again - your problem is your DH.

Maybe you hate the kid, and as long as you don't mistreat him I've actually got no beef with that. But you DO have to recognize that the kid is what his parents make him - so if you hate him that much, yeah, you probably should divorce his father before you grow to hate him too.

Willow2010's picture

My SS was 8 when I met him. I knew right off that I did not like the way he was being parented and the way he acted. He did not live with DH, but I knew it could happen at any time. So I "dated" DH for 7-8 years. I was not going to subject myself to SS, BM and the way DH behaved around them all.

Maybe you should think about doing that. Move a few streets over from your DH and just see him when SS is not really around.

roadvirus1's picture

Very true. He thinks he is stern but on the outside looking in he lets everything go when he starts crying Ir getting irritated.

Ninji's picture

I never realized how many people co-sleep with older children until I came to this site. It disgust me. :sick:

roadvirus1's picture

@ninji .. me too. Its very weird. If hes doing it still i often joke its gonna go on until this kid is in highschool. Neither of them even try to break the habit.

Disneyfan's picture

I didn't realize so many people had an issue with cosleeping until I came here.LOL

I only think cosleeping is a problem when it occurs in step families. If it's done in an intact or single parent home,then I think it is nothing more than a parenting choice. It's no different than breastfeeding/bottle feeding, public school/private school.....

Willow2010's picture

I didn't realize so many people had an issue with cosleeping until I came here.LOL

I only think cosleeping is a problem when it occurs in step families.

LOL...I totally agree. Not sure why cosleeping is such a taboo thing on this site.

UNLESS it is a step situation. Cosleeping with a step is just crazy.

roadvirus1's picture

never saw it that way. I guess that dh is the enabler. Its his only kid. They literally talk to him using baby voices and this kid walks all over dh and dh sees no flaw in him. Oh hes just a little boy or hes afraid of the dark. But in reality hes afraid of anything that isnt dh or bm. Thank you all for the feed back. And i trully dont see their parenting "skills" getting better. They both baby this kid as if he were made of glass.

learningallthetime's picture

I have BS8. Yes, he can get annoying with the attention seeking at times, but I think at this age they need validation and if they think something is cool, they think everyone else does too - I got him a kite last weekend and after playing a bit here, he insisted on taking it to the park - because he thought everyone else wanted to see it too! If he gets too much, I just tell him to quit it, and he does.

He does things for himself - like getting drinks, snacks, cutting his food. He helps with chores. He will bath himself, however if I want to make sure he actually washes up in the shower or bath I need to physically go in and make sure - he seems convinced the fact he is wet means he is clean.

He can sleep on his own, he does at dads, however often at mine he sleeps in with me. My fault! I am single, and we read in the bed together (he has bunk beds, not comfy!) and often have our most deep conversations in that time. I recognize I could create issues, but I cherish that time, and so does he. I guess if I have a 17 year old still sharing my bed I will know I was wrong!

Hope this insight into another similar age kid helps.

unluckytwin's picture

I totally relate. SD was 8 when SO and I began dating. SO and SD slept together (in his bed) every night he had her (50/50 custody). He bathed her. Both of those creeped me out to the max. We moved in together when she was 9. She has never slept a night in this house with him and guess what, she survived. I had her put on a bathing suit for her showers, I taught her how to wash her hair (since SO didn't really know how to teach a girl with long hair), and then I'd leave the room so she could take her bathing suit off and bathe her body. No way in hell was I gonna sit around while SO was touching a naked 9-year-old girl.

SD is now 10 and she's still pretty much as incompetent as when SO and I got together. She CAN do her own laundry now, but SO still pours her milk for her, makes her PB&J sandwiches, and feeds her pretty much straight french fries for dinner every single night. She has no household chores because she can't do anything and SO only makes her shower twice a week. She has no desire to learn to do anything for herself and honestly, I hate the kid and yet I'm the only one who seems to feel sorry for her that she is going to be an 18-year-old one day with no idea how to clean her house or eat anything more than fries (if she ever even learns to bake them herself).

BUT--this is all on your DH (and his ex). I hate my skid too, but I rightly blame her parents for allowing her to have no idea how to do age-appropriate stuff. I disengaged, because trying to get SO to do the right thing by his kid was only making us fight, and why should my relationship with the love of my life suffer just because he didn't want to feed his kid real food? F that, not my nutrition, not my problem.

At the same time, though, SO respected and loved me enough to want me to have peace in my own home--he doesn't let SD interrupt when I'm talking, for example. She still annoys the piss out of me and there's nothing he can do about that short of locking her in her room for 7 days or something, but he wouldn't let SD continue with behavior that made me really uncomfortable, like them sleeping together. You need to draw the line with your DH in places that matter to you--no more interrupting (life lesson that applies to everyone), no more sleeping together (husband and wife alone in marital bed), and so on. Can't stop the kid from asking idiot questions, but you do have a right to be loved and respected and feel a sense of reasonable peace in your home and marriage. Good luck.

roadvirus1's picture

I dont understand why dh's think we have to care for their children. Or why we should make an effort. NOT OUR KIDS. its so weird that kids sleep with adults. And that a boy needs his dad to wash him. At 8!!

roadvirus1's picture

I agree. Everyone gets all bothered if you dont want kids or want to hold the baby. It seems all women want to talk about is kids. its annoying...just like kids..

Disneyfan's picture

"its annoying...just like kids.."

You keep saying cosleeping is weird. I for one think it's weird for some one who seem to dislike kids to get involved with a man who has kids.

roadvirus1's picture

I hate dh sometimes becausE he says youre not a mom you just dont understand. I dont want to understand. If i did i would fucking pop a kid out. We get others kids thrusted on us. And Now we have to provide for them financially. Take up a room in my home. Expected to care for them until they are 18. Just because you and bm had a "crotch dropping" as some one else put it. Doesnt mean i have to deal with it. Thats what bio parents are for. What ever we do should be considered a privilege or gift. some moms thinm because they had a fucking kid they are better than you. even the lowest forms of animals or humans have kids. Thats your responsibility. Why should i have to waste my weekend going to some gay ass place like chuckee cheese just cause the kid is here. Dh fails to understand that because SS isnt my own kid i dont find him cute or funny or that i just want nothing to do with him . As long as i dont yell or beat him it shouldent mattEr. That brat is lucky i share our brand new home . He has no table manners. Farts and burps at the table. Makes a mess on the table snd the husband says hes just a little boy . And doesnt have to clean. Why the fk do i need to pick up after your kid? Even if i wanted a kid i would not want it with a man with a kId. I feel that because that is his first kid he would always feel diffrent or stronger about him. Any one else feel that way?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I call BS on that. You don't HAVE to be a parent to know when someone is being an arsehole. Does DH think it's okay for the skid to talk to a teacher like this? A boss (teens work!)?

No, I am NOT a mom, but I WAS a kid. And I respected my parents. No way in H-E-L-L I would EVER EVER EVER have spoken to my parents disrespectfully. I may have THOUGHT about it, but I never did. Why not? Because it would have been MY butt on a platter. I would have been grounded for a week, at the very least.

roadvirus1's picture

is it just me or does anyone else think that todays kids are just so fkng spoiled? they have so much and still want more. its always i want this. or i saw this on tv can you. i wish i could convince his dad that , thats not right. he is setting himself up for a rude awakening when he is a teen. if dh doesnt buy him something he will resent him for it. i as a kid had nothing really. but what i did was because i worked for it, kids get handed everything. this little sack of sh*t has a wii u , a million lewgs like 3 diffrent gameboys and nintendo d/s a freaking tablet with built in wifi...just because he does what he is supposed to like go to school and do good on a test.