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Just a story...

newsmom's picture

SD7 went to a bday pool party the other day. A little backstory though, DH had to jump through hoops to get the parent's contact info from BM (invite was sent to her house) so we could make contact before we dropped her off. It was back and forth back and forth....really dumb. Just txt a phone number or email or something, geez. Anyhoots, pic SD7 up and she said something to me about her mom was thinking of bringing her something but decided not to. I almost didn't notice then I asked how she knew....BM showed up to the bday party. Who does that? It was less than 3 hrs long but she wasn't there when we dropped SD off nor was she there when we picked her up...did she think she was being sneeky or something? haha OMG what an unusual woman. I just wanted to share Smile