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It's really a dark world being second or step.

SweetMom's picture

To DH family and his friends is really like being in a dark shadow in the corner. People will say the things disrespectful things In front of you like you're not even there. They will judge and stalk you so they can gossip about you. Why would it be anyone's business to notice you online at 1 am? Why would they care what your DH ex is doing? Why would they even want to bring the woman up? It's very refreshing having my own friends and talking to my siblings again. It's crazy how my friends I been kept away from see's a different side of things. All these feelings wasn't just me being a evil person. This site wasn't a bunch of evil strangers giving me advice. It really is what I thought it was and that's just miserable jealous females gossiping. Maybe perhaps my husband talking about me behind my back. If it is, he sure does put in a show to me. One things for sure, it is the step kid running her mouth about me but she is only a kid. The grown ups sure does show their true colors though, don't they?

SweetMom's picture

Hell yeah they follow me online, when I go somewhere and they see me they say some thing. H friends wife saw me at a Christmas community party and came up to me In front of my friend and said she thought something I posted at 1am was funny but she said she told her husband I must not have anything to do. Other times that same girl and another friends wife will talk to eachother and say rude things. It's kinda a long story but yeah, I can tell shit is being directed towards me. We went with them out of the country in a couples trip and those two grown woman played the buddy system and would get up earlier and leave, not mention to me or invite me along. They even had matching clothes, it was sickening. The way they would their eyes would follow my dress from top to bottom, I could tell. And h mom, ha! She will be rude and sarcastic. She doesn't have to talk about me behind my back. She does it to my face . This is the same two that tried to plan my step daughter a birthday party without me. They use to be nice until my step daughter started with her mom and half sister crap. I don't know.

Rags's picture

No, it should not really be a dark world and never should a spouse be second to anyone or anything.

To tolerate anything less than along with the marriage being the one and only priority is idiocy IMHO.

Kids can and certainly should be the top marrital and parental responsibility but never the priority above the marriage and the spouse.

IMHO of course.

ctnmom's picture

Fellow recovering alcoholic, congrats on 3 months! Removing toxicity is vital, even if you're not a drunk. Sweetmom, you need to ponder why these mean people have such an effect on you. And you need to ponder why you feel so alone. Your DH needs to support you and stick up for you. I'm sorry you're going through this.

ldvilen's picture

Congratulations stumpersonsmom on your 3 months of sobriety! Wonderful advice.

stepinafrica's picture

One word: Ignore. Move on. Don't go to the couple's trip. Don't go to the family events. Send your DH off with a smile! Tell him you cannot go because you are not comfortable but to please have fun. And when they try to pass the snide comments to you through your DH, tel him that you do not want to hear what they say about you.