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Is it only going to get worse?

lilmissy999's picture

I’m very happy that I stumbled on this web site as reading some of the posts here really gave me a good perspective on my situation. The reason why I’m writing this is because I want to get a solid advice from seasoned SP as I’m in a situation where I can either run for the hills or stay and dig my own grave. I’m 27 years old, divorced and do not have any children. My BF (together for almost 2 years) is 31 and has a son (8). My BF and the BM (who has 4 children by 3 different dads and is a welfare trash) broke up shortly after she got pregnant. When my BF and I first met I told him that I’m recently separated, have no children and that I’m not looking to date single parents. So he told me that he DOESN’T have any children and lied to me about it for 2 months. When he finally confessed I was furious and was going to leave him. He broke down in tears and begged for a chance because his BM “trapped him,” he got stuck with a kid “he never asked for” and deserves to be happy, get married and have children with a wife. He told me that he has his kid every other weekend, the kid lives over an hour away and that I will never have to meet him or deal with him if I don’t want to because he will be a “bf to me” and a “dad to him.” Being the naïve person that I am I agreed to stick around and see what it is like and spent the next 2 years regretting not walking away from the situation.
Two weeks after the revelation my BF informed me that I HAD to meet his son. I wasn’t ready to meet his kid nor did I want to but he told me either meet him or hit the road. Instead of taking my exit point and run, stupidly I agreed to meet his kid. It did not feel right because I wasn’t ready for that step and the kid and I did not connect AT ALL. Then a short while later My BF told me that I had to “love him as my own, treat him as my own, be like a mother to him and take a bullet for him” (but I have NO SAY when it comes to discipline) Then I was informed that I had to be present every time the SS is visiting and spend time with him (so if I had plans that did not agree with the visit they had to be cancelled because apparently, me who has no children, had to adjust to a single parent custody schedule???? ). Then my BF told me that as soon as we move in together he will get his son to live with us because now he will have a woman to take care of his kid (I DON’T THINK SO). Let me tell you about this kid… I have NOTHING in common with him because he is not your typical innocent little boy. All the kid does is play X box ALL DAY LONG… my BF lets him play R rated inappropriate and violent video games (like Grand Theft Auto), the kid has a mohawk, wears his jeans around his knees like a little punk, flunks school (he is in grade two, barely reads, can’t write, can’t grasp simple math and doesn’t speak English properly), wears T shirts that say “How can I get better in video games if I have to go to school every day”, wets the bed (or as my BF calls it “accidents”), he is a spoiled little brat (wears all designer expensive labels, has every piece of electronics ever invented… not bad for a welfare kid, huh?), has no table manners, embarrassing in public, on Christmas he threw the presents his grandparents bought for him in their faces because it was “not his style” (they were age appropriate games). I walked out on my BF several times because he doesn’t seem to grasp that I don’t owe ANYTHING to his kid, absolutely not obligated to love him because his is NOT mine, will NEVER allow that little brat to live with us (unless his welfare mom died), and will not WASTE my weekends on watching that kid playing X BOX for 14 hours a day. As it stands now I haven’t seen the kid in 4 months because I stay away from my BF when the kid is around, and there was also some baby momma drama so my BF can’t have him every other weekend anymore (which I’m happy about). I put my foot down in regards to that kid and my BF was re-educated about my role in that relationship and the kids life (I have VERY minimal to no involvement at this point). My BF and I are at the point of buying a house together and I need to decide whether I will stick around or run while I have a chance and I’m not attached to him financially. I’m young and successful and still have options and would like to get some perspective on the situation. PLEASE HELP!

P.S this is only a glimpse into how miserable I was, how many fights my BF and I went through and the drama I was sucked into with his baby momma.

lilmissy999's picture

I agree with you that it is not normal for an 8 year old to be like that. I'm an elementary teacher and around little kids all the time and I can assure you that most 8 year olds are cute and innocent because they are raised right. My BF is calling SS8 "buddy" or "bud" all the time and it is driving me up the wall. It pisses me off that this kid is exposed to violent video games and inappropriate movies and cartoons by his parents and I HAVE NO SAY IN IT. So I told my BF if I have no say in raising this kid right then I want no part in his life AT ALL. My BFs logic is that I have to slave for his kid, be his maid and die for him but leave the discipline to him. Screw that! LOL

Disneyfan's picture

Leave now. If he lied about having a child, he will lie about anything. I get so sick of men saying they were tricked into having a child. If you have unprotected sex, you might end up with a child. Why is it so hard for some men to understand that???

Stepmom_27's picture

you sound miserable, you should walk away.

i am also 27 and my husband has 3 kids, two boys who live with us full-time, the youngest one i helped raise since he was 3.

it was a HUGE adjustment going from single independent woman, to basically a mom overnight. it is especially hard when my husband and i have different standards on how to raise kids.

your bf lied to you right off the bat, then tried to trick you into playing the mom role to his son. that is unacceptable in my opinion. he should have been honest from the start.

i think your bf is a desperate looser, and you should ditch him before it gets too late.
if you decide to stick with him, you must realize that his son is NOT your kid, and you have no say in how he raised. all you can do is pull your man aside and talk to him about his kids behavior, it is not your job to parent his son and you should make it clear that you won't do it. the boy should be with his mother at least half the time, because you don't want to raise him right?

if you decide to stay with your bf, get used to the kid being around, because he always will for the next 10 years and trust me, the teen years get even worse. so get used to it, or get out now.

lilmissy999's picture

I was miserable.... but very happy in the past 4 months as I haven't been around that kid and haven't seen him as well. Best 4 months in the last 2 years!

ldytremaine's picture

start running and dont look back! he sounds like a punk and then you have to deal with the mothers shit too. no maam. im 27 also, and i love my husband so much but if i knew i would feel the way i do now about his son, i would have thought it through. its kinda sad. but do you really want to spend your life fighting with him over this kid that you obiviously dont have any love for? because the fighting will never stop. ever. and most importantly when you have a child of your own, you will hate the stepkid even more. TRUST ME. my husband didnt want to take a family picture cause his son wasnt here. hes not my son! but little things like that are always going to come up because thats just how it is. i grew up with a bitch for a stepmom and swore that if i met a man and he had a child i wouldnt be like her. im not mean like she was but i can maybe see why she was over me a little bit. you dont want to dig a deeper hole with the kid, and his mother. then a welfare mother. and your successful. dont do it girl. dont do it.

lilmissy999's picture

I agree with you that once I'll have my own kids I will hate SS even more. My BF thinks that when I'll be a mother I will finally understand him and develop "maternal feelings" and will learn to love and accept his son. Knowing myself, once I'll be a mother I will become more territorial and protective and will hate his kid even more. I get angry even THINKING about his kid around me when I'm pregnant or have a newborn. I will not allow family pics with the stepson or family vacations with him. Let the walfare mom take him on vacations LOL

ldytremaine's picture

wait a minute. he said he was trapped, and got stuck with a kid. what do you call what he did to you by lying about having a child. so basically YOU are TRAPPED and got STUCK with a kid. just sayin.

lilmissy999's picture

hahaha... well said! During one of our arguments I yelled at him and said that I was married and I had enough brains not to bring a child into a bad relationship, always used birth control, lived my life the right way, never got pregnant and never had any close calls and I still ended up with a kid????

So-tired's picture

I'd leave for sure. His child is really young so you're just going to have years of misery. He sounds horrible as well and the way your bf treats you is like shit. WALK! Plus you're still plenty young enough to start again and find a decent man with no kids!! I love my husband but occasionally I do wonder if I did the right thing sticking by him all this time. I was your age when we started going out (I'm 39 now). It's been VERY hard at times. It's not just the SK you have to deal with but the BM as well. Your life is run to their schedule, you can never plan anything because they're more important and you get no say.

Honestly, leave!

lilmissy999's picture

In his eyes his kid is a GREAT KID, he is a good dad and I'm just a selfish little girl.

lilmissy999's picture

In 2 years I walked out on him multiple times. Every time I left he would come to my door in the middle of the night crying, promissing that things will change, and beg me to come back. Every time I took him back, things got better and once he got back into his comfort zone it started all over again. Last time I walked out on him I said that I don't want to see his kid ever again. He said I won't have to and I haven't seen his kid since end of Jan 2011. He is not allowed to have his kid every other weekend anymore due to some baby momma drama. The kid told him that he doesn't want to spend weekends with dad because it is "no fun, you don't take me out enough" so now my bf drives over an hour once or twice a month to take his kid out to movies and dinners.